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"see you on the other side"

Nova, Fio, Octavia, Jasper, Clarke, and Bellamy are in the rover following the map in Lincoln's journal to find Luna

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Nova, Fio, Octavia, Jasper, Clarke, and Bellamy are in the rover following the map in Lincoln's journal to find Luna. Raven and Monty decided to stay behind and figure out how to hack into ALIES system.

"It's been an hour since we passed the airplane wreckage. Seeing as we're using a map without any distances, it could be days before we reach the village" Jasper says. "At least we know we're going in the right direction" Nova says.

"We're running out of daylight. We should stop in the sun and recharge the battery" Jasper says and Nova furrows her eyebrows. "What sun? We keep going until it dies" Clarke states. "We keep going until we get to Luna" Octavia says getting everyone's attention.

"What do you think she's gonna say when we show up asking her to put an AI in her head?" Jasper asks with a chuckle after. "She helps those that are in trouble. She'll help us too.. hopefully" Fio answers letting out a sigh as they stop the rover.

"You think she can help us find a better map?" Jasper says and Nova sends him a glare as they all exit the rover. "We'll backtrack. Find somewhere where the trees aren't so bad" Bellamy says as Clarke looks around "Guess we're going on foot" Clarke says as Fio and Octavia stop "You hear that?" Octavia asks and Fio nods.

"Water" Fio says as they all walk towards the sound but it's just a bunch of rocks. "Where's the village?" Octavia asks looking to Fio who shrugs and grabs Lincoln's journal and sees that the drawing in the book identical to the nearby landmark. "It's been awhile since I've been here but— I didn't think she'd leave" Fio says as Octavia sighs. "No. Oh no, it can't be" Octavia says as she walks away from the group and sits on a rock near the water.

"She's gone" Fio says as Nova moves to stand behind him. "What?" Nova questions as everyone looks over at Octavia before she lets out an angry, blood thirsty scream.

Octavia, Nova, Fio and Jasper are now making a fire and Clarke walks towards them looking to Octavia. "It'll be dark soon. We need to talk about what we're gonna do" Clarke states and Nova adds more fire wood to the fire pit before she can light it as she listens in.

"We wait until first light. Then we split up and search the shore in both directions" Octavia answers as Nova bends down and begins blowing on the timber and places it in the wood so it can ignite. "I agree with Octavia" Nova says looking up to Clarke as she backs away from the now lit fire. "Me too Lincoln wouldn't have put this spot on the map unless it was important" Bellamy says reaching for Lincoln's journal but Octavia quickly slaps his hands away from it.

"Don't touch that!" Octavia shouts and Bellamy lets out an annoyed sigh. "Come on, O. How long?" Bellamy asks and Nova looks over at Octavia's shocked face "I don't know. I can't even look at you. Because every time I do, I see Pike putting that gun to Lincoln's head. I hear the gunshot. I see him fall" Octavia says and Nova swallows a large lump in her throat listening to the conversation.

"Octavia, I didn't kill him!" Bellamy argues back. "No, but he is dead because of you!" Octavia screams in her brothers face as he looks to her sadly. "I came to you. You didn't take my help. If you had just trusted me I'd- forget it" Bellamy says as he walks off sadly and Octavia not caring she sits back down until Jasper throws a plant into the fire and it grows larger catching Fio and Nova's attention.

"Woah, What did you do?" Fio asks and Jasper shrugs. "Nothing. I just threw these in the fire" Jasper answers as Fio lifts up the plant Jasper threw in the fire and inspects it. "It's a signal fire. This is how we contact Luna" Fio states as Octavia looks through Lincoln's journal with Nova over her shoulder reading along with her.

"Then.. I'll get more" Jasper says as he rushes off and grabs more plants. Nova notices Clarke looking back to see Bellamy walking away. Nova walks over next to Clarke and Clarke turns her head to face her.

"Go talk to him" Nova says as Clarke opens her mouth to talk but Nova interrupts before she can. "Don't- Don't say he needs space because he doesn't he needs.. someone" Nova says as she looks back at him. Clarke nods and places a hand on Novas shoulder before she walks off to catch up with Bellamy.

While Nova, Fio, Jasper, and Octavia are still by the fire suddenly people begin rising from the water. The warriors make their way towards them as they are still tending to the signal fire. All of a sudden Clarke and Bellamy are brought bound and gagged. Nova widens her eyes as the warriors before them look to them.

"Who are you? Why did you signal?" The man asks and Octavia steps forward. "I am Octavia of the Sky People and I seek safe passage" Octavia answers as Fio keeps hold of his sword.

"Skaikru, bringers of death. Why should we give you safe passage?" The man asks. "Lincoln. He sent us" Fio states demandingly as the warriors begin to remove Clarke and Bellamy's gags and ties on there hands. "What's going on?" Bellamy asks and Octavia shrugs her shoulders.

The grounder hands Octavia vial of liquid and everyone looks to her. "What is that?" Clarke asks quickly and Octavia lets out a sigh as she drinks it. "It's safe passage" The grounder says with no humor in his voice.

"Octavia, wait!" Bellamy shouts as Nova widens her eyes. Octavia closes her eyes and takes a deep breath after swallowing the liquid. "I trust Lincoln" Octavia says before she collapses on the ground.

"If only she drinks, only she goes" The man says as Fio steps forward and grabs the vial of liquid and chugs it then collapses to the ground as well. Nova looks to Clarke as she grabs the vial of liquid and hesitantly chugs it.

"See you on the other side" Nova says before she slowly looses consciousness and collapses on the ground next to Fio.

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