chapter one

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He doesn't remember how they met, memories blending together like yesterday's paper.

Meeting at the park or so he was told, he doesn't know who said the first word, he doesn't really remember much not his first or last name well he was assigned a name, b-127 yes that's his name not words but letters not his choice of course.

But he does remember one thing clear as day, the way he got marked by his alpha.

He remembers how it led up to him being spread on silky white sheets, how he ignored every continuous call from someone. The gentle and careful kisses in the dimly lit room that soon turned eager, the way the alpha caressed his smaller with his much bigger hands, and the disgustingly weak whine he himself let out. how he begged to be marked to have taken the alpha's knot, and when he got what he wanted how he was overjoyed to be his alpha's and his alpha's only and he could finally call him his alpha.

Oh and the gentle love he had got after how he missed it so.

When he had come to the facility everyone had noticed his mark and asked so he answered his small naive self answered, running his mouth to much caused him many problems one of them made him lose his memories talking of how he was going to be saved by his alpha, how dumb of him; And even of there situation other Omega's still held gossip in there mouth spreading it like venom spitting nasty words and looks, back then he felt bad how none of them had the chance to find love and there very own alpha and he voiced that which ended up with him being not so liked by the others, he had no ill intentions he swore but what was the use of that.

Now he lays bare on the cold concrete ground in his personal hell, arms wrapped around his small body staring blank at the same bloodstained wall keeping in every year quiver and cry as he lets the new wounds stay.

They weren't supposed to hurt the Omega's, they were supposed to keep them pure, but he was not pure and they knew that so it must be their excuse he must deserve this.

"B-127" barked a guard from outside, ah it must be dinner time.

He crawled to the door, body frail and weak to stand. He whispered a thank you as he took the tray, bread and water. His dreadfully shaken hands picked up the small loaf of bread savoring every bite like a little mutt.

When he finished he inhaled the bottle of water and his chest heaved when he finished.

He sat there for a second, before a loud knock chimed on the metal door "you finished" not much of a question but more a demand came out of the beta guard. He swiftly picked up his water bottle and handed it to the waiting guard, threw the slot left open, soon after it was shut in his face leaving the room dark and the omega alone.

He stayed in his spot, he didn't have the energy to move he never did after times like this. The cold

would serve a silent comfort to him for the time being as letting his dainty fingers touch the mark by his glads, it was cold to the touch like winter, like comfort.

He had looked in the mirror once, it was a star, a single red star.

It was a pretty vibrant red glowing by his fingers like blood, a cold contrast to his pale skin. He had loved the look of it, of being marked, it was a joyous feeling that maybe somewhere someplace, someone had loved him and it to be true. A meek smile seeping on his face, he hoped that somewhere someplace that his alpha had thought about him and the love was still true, still there and still waiting with open arms. A love he could come back to.

Chapter one fin

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