Chapter Seventeen: Going To The Hospital

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Female Narrator: Oh no! Cat Satan and James are in Shiro's bedroom and they're eyes are filled with lust, anger and revenge, but why are they here? How did they get in here? What do they want? All these questions are easy to answer because both boys know why they're here and what they want... Polie. But will Shiro let them have him or will he take him and try to run away again? It looks like they're about to find out. 

Shiro: (sits up in the bed and immediately guards Polie by putting his arms out while looking at James specifically with a angered glare) I know why you're here James, but summoning... Him here has got to be the lowest level of evil that you've ever done so far! I'm not gonna let either one of you lay a paw on his beautiful body ever again! Besides... (smirks at them both) I've already claimed him, he's mine now. James and Cat Satan: (looks at him with stunned and shocked faces) !! Polie: (looks shocked too and blushes hard in embarrassment and whispers to him) Sh-Shiro! What are you doing? Your only gonna make them madder. Shiro: (glances down to him and whispers to him) I'm trying to distract them from you so you can call for help. Polie: (looks confused then understands now) Oooh, got ya. (winks then grabs his cellphone from under the pillow and starts texting Jinny but feels James grab his tail and paws and gasps) !!! James: (tightens his grip on him and smirks evilly) Nice try boy, I maybe drunk but I'm not stupid! Satan? Switch'em and grab'em! (then glares at Shiro) I'll keep an eye on him, hehe. You're finally gonna get what's coming up you, boy. Cat Satan: (holding Shiro in his arms tightly and smirking evilly) Hahaha! Finally! Now I get to enjoy you all for myself. Polie: (looks at both with worry and fear in his eyes then looks at Shiro and whispers) I'm sorry. Shiro: (looks at him with a soft smile and a wink and whispers back) It's OK, just hold on till their done, I'll be back soon, I promise. (then elbow punches Cat Satan in the gut as hard as possible and runs downstairs and out of the house, on his motorcycle and zooms off to Jinny's house) Cat Satan: (grunts and growls) Damn that human! He's gonna pay for elbowing Satan... Me! In the chest, I swear if I get my claws on him again? I'm gonna!... James: (waves it off and holds Polie down on the bed and smirks evilly while pulling his huge cock out) Oh forget about him! We have our real prize right here, and we're going to enjoy him all night. Cat Satan: (looks mad but then chuckles evilly and pounces on the bed and pulls out his huge dick too and smiles evilly) Hehehe, you're right James, and there's no way you're getting away from us now, sex toy. Polie: (eyes widen in fear and starting to cry and shivering like a leaf) Shiro... Help me... Please... 

Female Narrator: They began to rape Polie as hard and go deep inside him as best they could, and Polie felt like his whole body was about to split in two any second now, he was already bleeding from his asshole and he felt like his whole body was on fire and he felt like he was in Hell and that there was no escape from the pain and there was no escape from his Father, Principal Scourge, Shadow, Werehogs, and now The Devil? Why is this still happening to him? Could things get any worse? He tried his best his best not to think negatively but the pain of this raping was already too much that the more he screamed the more he felt like he'd loose his voice and his life, but all he could think about right now is... Shiro. 

Meanwhile outside his house, Shiro came back with Jinny as their hiding near the bedroom door and peeking in at the horrific sight of Polie getting raped by not only his Father James, but Satan himself as well is joining in the "fun" and Shiro was more pissed off than ever but Jinny was looking more concerned about Polie and wondering if he'll be able to last till their finished with him, but that's why Shiro brought Jinny back here so she can heal Polie, they just hope they can save him in time. 

Polie: (continues to scream and holler out in pure pain and suffering while crying and squirming around even harder and calling out Shiro's name repeatedly) SHIRO! HELP ME! PLEASE! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! James: (grunts and pushes his dick in deeper than ever before and evilly smirking wider) Shut up, boy! That damned human friend of yours can't save you from me this time! I'm the only one who can have you! You're MINE and you'll always BE MINE! FOREVER! (laughs out loud like an insane person) Cat Satan: (pounding Polie's asshole and smirking evilly too) He's right, you are his sex toy and nobody else's and your nothing but a sex toy, for the rest of your teenage life, speaking of that... You'll definitely die in this bedroom tonight and once we both cum inside you? (smiles wide) You'll also belong to me as well, very soon... FOREVER! (laughs out loud sinfully as well and keeps pounding him harder) God damn! You feel incredible! Your the best fuck toy I've ever raped in a whole entirety! I'll keep doing this with you for many more years to come! If you last that long, hehehe. Polie: (looking at James and Satan with tears still running down his face and then closes his eyes and screams out more) Ah! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh! Jinny: (hears all three voices and tries covering her cat ears as best as possible while trying to whisper to Shiro) Mmm, Shiro? I'm worried about him in there, I can feel like... He's not gonna make it out of this one... Alive. Shiro: (peeking through his bedroom and glaring at the scene in pure anger while holding his cellphone and whispers back to her) He has to make it out here alive, he just has to, I know he can... (looks angered but determined at the same time) I'm going to make sure of it. Jinny: (looks at him holding his cellphone and tries to grab it) Dude! What are you doing?! They're gonna catch us filming them for sure! Shiro: (puts a finger to her lips and whispers to her) Shh! I'm filming this as evidence for the Police to come and hopefully arrest James for raping Polie for five years, since he can't tell the police about this, we'll show them and tell them everything. Jinny: (nods her head in understanding then tries to listen in on them again) Hey, I think they're almost done. (winces and shivers uncomfortably and covers her cat ears again) I don't think I can listen to this anymore, please tell me when it's over. Shiro: (watching, filming, and glaring till the very end then lowers his hand holding his cellphone and gruffly sighs) You can uncover your ears now Jinny... It's over.

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