Chapter One: Morning Abuse

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Female Narrator: Polie finished writing in his diary that he keeps to write down all his experiences that happened to him everyday and every-night, every hour, every minute, every year, while his Pokemon Pikachu pet Sparky was sleeping soundly next him. Suddenly, Polie heard someone walking up the stairs, immediately knowing who he is. He quickly put his diary behind him and shoved it under his pillow. His Dad walked upstairs with a alcoholic beer bottle in his right paw and towards his room to see him brushing Sparky's fur, rolling his eyes sarcastically, he walked into his "son's" bedroom and slamming the door behind him making Polie and Sparky both jump in fear and surprise. James locked the door so that neither one of them could get away, Sparky jumped off Polie's lap and crawled under the bed, Polie looked his so called "Father" in his light green yet ice cold eyes with fear all over his face as his violet purple eyes went wide with fear.

James: (obviously very drunk and slurred talking) Wha-Whaaat a-a-aarree youuu doooing?... Sssson? Polie: (shaking with fear and tries to back away) N-Nothing S-Sir! James: (growls then throws the empty beer bottle aside and gets on top of him) Don't! (hic) Fucking! (hic) Lie to me! What's behind your back? Polie: (shakes his head furiously) N-Nothing Dad! Nothing! James: (glares at him more) That I know is a lie. Move! (pushes his son roughly out of the way and grabs out the diary from under the pillow and start slurly reading it out loud) DeeAaarr DiiiAAarrrYYyy... It's been f-fiiive years tooo the dayyyyy... When my "Father" raped me... I juuussstt wish.. I could.. (hic) Get him sooome... (hic) Help... (then closes the book, puts it back under the pillow and tightly grabs Polie's neck while laughing out loud like a crazy madman) Oh? So you wanna get me some help, eh? (then roughly and messily takes both thier pants off and pulls out his big ten inch penis and smirks evilly) I'll show you how you can help me! Polie: (shaking in fear and starts crying then closes his eyes tightly) No Dad, please! Not again! Stop! James: (sexily smirks more and lines up his big hard member with Polie's asshole) Oh yes! (hic) Get ready for another rough ride, sex toy!

Me: Time skip! Don't wanna scare away the kids! 😋

Female Narrator: James was still pounding his son's ass hard like a fast car, grunting and groaning in extmre pleasure, while Polie was screaming, moaning and crying out in pure agonizing pain, giving his Dad the satisfaction he wanted. Sparky is still under the bed, covering his ears with his paws, not wanting to hear his owner screaming out in pain, again. James finally came all of his loads into Polie as Polie came onto his bed and chest as James finally pulled out and smiled with a satisfied smirk, while Polie was still trying to catch his breathe. James got off the bed and put his pants back on and grabbed the empty beer bottle, then walking towards the door and unlocked it, then turned to look at his warn out "sex toy" from the "fun" they just had, smirking a little bit more.

James: (breathes out heavily and sexily smirks again) Haa... Now that? Was fun... (then stops by the doorway and glares back at him) By the way, be ready for tonight, we're having some guests over again tonight, and don't try to escape like last time! Or else? (smirks again) We'll make much it worse. (hears Sparky crawl out from under the bed) Sparky: (crawls out from under the bed then jumps on it and rubs his face against his owners face) Pika Pi! James: (rolls his eyes sarcastically then leaves his son's bedroom) Polie: (still crying and shivering then turns to lay on his right side) ..... 

Female Narrator: Hours later, and Polie fell alseep after what happened early this morning to our poor kitten. He woke back at around 8:00AM as the sun was starting to rise up into the blue beautiful sky on this Monday morning. Polie groaned slightly, as he turned around to face Sparky, sleeping soundly again, softly saying his name in sleep, Polie slightly smiled as he opened his violet colored eyes slightly, feeling the light breeze blowing on his fur through the covers, as it made him slightly whined in pain, he back was sore from his "Dad" pounding him again, and his tail was... Well, broken. It's been broken ever since his Dad first raped him five years ago when he was twelve years old. Sure, he can still move it, curl it, and wag it, but thanks to what his Dad did, Polie can't balance as great as he used to, which is not good at all because as we all know, cats need their tails to balance on fences and climb up trees.

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