The rewritten version.

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"Slowpoke, come on..!" The auburn-haired elf called, his friend peeking out from the alleyway, "I am..but being loud won't help either of us, Chonsu." Chonsu shrugged as his friend revealed a meat pie he'd stolen earlier that day, "This should at least get us through training." Leirean said, handing his friend a piece.

"Still aiming to become a priest..?" Leirean nodded, relaxing a bit as he opened a spellbook, "I should have it right this time. The only problem is that I can't seem to summon the light like the others." He sighed, shaking his head, "I just may not be able to use it. It's rather unpredictable."
"Considering all the books you manage to find that's shocking. Besides, you could try other magic if this fails." Chonsu grinned dragging his friend to his feet, "So. Quit worrying about the current problems and look ahead. We've gotten by this long without it."

Leirean nodded, placing the book back into his bag, "So how's the knight training for you then? Any progress?" Chonsu shifted his gaze slightly, before letting out a small chuckle, "I'm going to be lucky if Liadrin doesn't have me killed or turned into a boar. Apparently, I tend to cause trouble." Leirean slowly raised his staff, bopping his friend on the head with it, "Maybe then don't rise to their arguments. You can occasionally let things slide you know." He grinned, taking notice of a small group of guards headed their way, "Speaking of trouble. You should get to training on time before they drag you there. We'll meet later." Chonsu nodded, heading in the direction of the knight's sanctum.
The dim room within the Sunfury Spire had only been lit here and there by candles, scattered around various locations. Some with pale purple or silver flames, as opposed to the usual red or orange most, would be. Here and there a bookshelf, filled with various tomes, this is where Leirean was learning his abilities with other peers.
"Try it again." Belestra ordered, watching the blond elf carefully, waiting for maybe a sign the spell was working, Leirean read the spellbook and placed the staff directly in front of him, "...Bixim!" For mere seconds a pale glow emitted from the staff, before flickering out completely. Leireans expression fell a bit at that, as Belestra approached, "...You aren't fit for our training...I apologize. You have great talents but they aren't here."

"...Maybe not here. You're right though, whatever connection I had to the light is...gone." Leirean explained, it wasn't that he disliked the light, truly, at the moment he wielded the spell properly everything he'd learned seemed to vanish. As if it were blocked by something.
"It rejected you then. It'd be unwise for you to continue this pace, for your own safety." Belestra explained, handing the book back to Leirean, "However that doesn't mean you shouldn't attempt anything else. Take this to Tre'thera. She may be a little odd, but she can help you learn other schools of magic if you chose to be her apprentice."

Leirean took the book, nodding slightly, "Thank you then, Belestra. And take care." He turned to leave, looking back again to notice...something had changed in those few seconds. Though what exactly, he couldn't tell.
Chonsu parried the attack from his instructor, only to be quickly tripped and knocked over, the wooden training staff directly in front of his face, "Be more aware of what is around you, nothing will give you chances to be unaware outside of this room." Chonsu nodded, being let up a second later, "Go catch your breath. We'll resume shortly."
"Alright." With that, the auburn-haired elf stepped out of the Blood sanctum, taking a moment to recharge, it didn't seem like Silvermoon had changed too much. At least this half of it, even then there were still repairs being done, still, damage to heal.

Exactly why Chonsu had to learn to protect it. At any cost.
"So, you think you can handle this place for a week or two? We're getting a shipment of books for our forces in outland." Tre'thera asked, carefully placing various items in her bag. She was visiting Dalaran for a few supplies to further their studies, Leirean nodded, "Of course I can do that, it's a shame I won't be able to see the Battlemasters off though. Chonsu mentioned he may be leaving with them. "

"At the least, we won't need to replace the bookshelves. He has a...tendency to be destructive." Tre'thera gave an unsure glance at a nearby wall, recently repaired by an arcane spell, though the cracks within still glowed with a pale blue, "...If he happens to visit, ensure he doesn't duel anyone this time." Leirean nodded, placing a hand behind his head, "Maybe that wall could do with some be safe."
Tre'thera laughed slightly, turning to leave, "Do not forget the package though. That cannot be risked."
"You are all expected to go by Kael'thas' orders. Without question." Chonsu quietly listened in the back, he'd been told this lecture time and again, that said...this group was larger than usual. The Sin'dorei didn't have many to spare as it was...all this for a scouting visit?

Chonsu snapped back to reality feeling a shove from behind him, "Careful..!" He stopped himself from toppling over, Watching the stranger's eyes, they glowed a dim silver, the strange mage just continued past him. No words were said though he did try and burn his armor. "What's his problem.." Chonsu carefully put out the embers, before following the rest of his group. Outland at least was good for mages, enough magic that they didn't need to worry about their addiction.
Destruction was the first thought Chonsu had upon seeing outland, everything shattered, almost nothing grew. He adjusted the reins on his borrowed dragonhawk, guiding it to the side to avoid more floating debris, This is where Kael found a cure to their addiction? If so at what cost?

He landed the dragonhawk carefully on a ledge, it coiled patiently as he took out a map, checking the direction he was going. Netherstorm, and within it Tempest Keep. They'd been gathering Mana there for a while...yet something still He soon was back on the dragonhawk and headed that direction, whatever it was, he was going to guard it. Even if it was only temporary.
The package arrived safely, with only a few rips and tears on the box, it must have traveled across seas before being brought here.
Leirean lifted it carefully, moving it into the library and placing it on the front desk, somewhere he could watch it until someone came to pick it up.

"She left you here alone this time?" A somewhat familiar voice piped, one of Chonsu's friends from training, "Mehlar, weren't you supposed to be in Chonsu's group this time?" Mehlar shrugged, "My spot was taken by a new Blood Mage. Strange fellow too...way too quiet if you ask me."
Leirean shrugged, "He could just be focused. Some of the more powerful mages are reserved." He reasoned, Mehlar giving him an unconvinced expression, "Maybe, but even they show up to meetings beforehand. I'd send a message to your friend when possible. Just in case."

Mehlar took a look at the box perplexed, "Half our group were battlemasters..not sorcerers. Why so many spellbooks I wonder.." Mehlar left quickly, making reports to other guards, while Leirean considered what was said, first off, Chonsu already left. Earlier than scheduled...and now this strange mage. Maybe just a peek into the contents of the box. It couldn't hurt.
Leirean opened it quickly with a small dagger he kept in his pocket, once the box opened nothing seemed too unusual, except....between the various books of Arcane or Fire, even light, was a thick, purplish-black spellbook, with green runes etched into the cover, Demonic. So it seemed.

It likely wasn't supposed to be there, and the library had no such books in stock. Leirean took the book out of the box before placing everything back where it was supposed to be. Re-sealing it. After, Leirean closed the library, retreating to his Apprentices' quarters, and hiding the book. He'd research it later most likely. Nothing more than research...
The blond elf squinted a bit at the sun's rays, he hadn't been in the Everwoods for a long time, he forgot how quiet they were. Carefully, he unpacked his supplies in a secluded clearing. Various vials and finally, a Warlock's spellbook. Oddly he found himself rather talented at wielding the void and the fel. No real harm is done.

He etched four runes into the ground with his staff, later connecting them in a triangular fashion, "Once I do this...there isn't turning back.." He mused, leaning on the staff when he was done. Just 20 years ago he would have vehemently fought this path, what it could lead to. And even now, he thought to forget this all happened. To back off now and be done with his research. He did enough.

...And yet, there was more to do, He stabbed his staff into the ground quickly, focusing his energy into a small portal, his first summon. At first, it seemed ineffective, until the runes slowly began to glow, each one a bright green, Eventually the glow contained its self to a singular point, the last thing Leirean recalled before collapsing from exhaustion was somethings cackle...
Chonsu patiently patrolled the border around Tempest Keep, there was a problem out here with large amounts of magic being taken at random intervals, claw marks on the ground indicated the culprit but the problem was..locating it.
A low hiss sounded from somewhere nearby, as something cloaked in a strange, translucent silver sheen stayed close, but not close enough for a simple attack.

A short amount of time passed before something bolted from the shadow of a rock, its cloak vanishing in its excitement at another snack that same day, Chonsu quickly unseated his sword, slashing close to the Warp Stalkers windpipe, killing it. They were more of a nuisance than anything at this point. Though they normally avoided the area by now...

He stepped closer to investigate, the lizard-like creature seemed normal until he noticed the strange band around its leg. A drained shard of arcane, it had been led here by someone. "...He'll want to know about this.." With that, the guard headed back into Tempest Keep with his hearthstone.
Leirean woke up groggily, looking at the now burned clearing, at the least, he didn't start a forest fire yet. He sat up slowly, looking around for his bag to locate the spellbook, " original summoner at least was able to stay awake for a while.-" Leirean grasped his staff, looking for whatever said that..had he let the wrong demon through?

"What even are you-?!" He didn't notice the book being thrown at him in time, it only hit his shoulder but it did still hurt, the spellbook seemed unharmed, as usual, "-You really are new to this, hm? You used the wrong summoning spell.-" The small greenish creature jumped down from the trees, dropping a slightly singed backpack at the warlock's feet, "-Suppose I will help you learn the ropes then! Clumsy as you seem to be'll be tricky.-"

"....You're some kind of sprite..? I thought demons were...more imposing is all." Leirean dodged a promptly timed fireball, the creature lashing its tail quickly in annoyance, "My name, is Volpad, secondly, I am an Imp. Not a sprite."
Leirean nodded, picking up his bag quickly, "Ah..right. Volpad...I suppose we're allies then. " The imp chittered a bit, vanishing as Leirean was left to wonder, just what he had gotten himself into.
"I'm sorry, I refuse to attack Shattrath, the Scryers are our allies Kael'thas." Chonsu glared at his leader, who just seemed more than annoyed at the guard's defiance, "You do not get a choice. You've proven yourself quite skilled. I would rather it not be wasted on becoming an enemy. "
Chonsu shook his head, "I'm not fighting Silvermoon, I refuse to attack allies when we already have so few. I apologize but...I think I'd prefer to go home to that. " He bowed, leaving the Court.

Sanguinar snarled, "You're planning to let him interfere again? He already warned the illidari to stay out of this attack. "
"He unknowingly ensured they would be there, though he has worn out his uses. He'll be dealt with before he gets to Silvermoon."

"Why would he want to do this?" Eraduri asked, as her ally passed her, Chonsu shrugged, "He's kept the mana a Secret from everyone else too, I apologize, but this is all I know Eraduri. I'd suggest avoiding this mess for now."
Eraduri nodded, vanishing. Turns out warp stalker scales have some uses.
"Your orders are simple enough, take the problem out of our equation, and you'll have more power than you'd imagine." The silver-eyed mage simply adjusted his cloak with a bow, "We do serve the same master after all. Don't worry, he will be destroyed before the day is over." He left, already happy to take his anger out on something.

His target hadn't left yet, only decided to pack his items within the barracks. No one else was around to notice, and, just as easily he threw a fireball at the distracted warrior, purple and red flames slowly spreading, " seems I missed. Whoops."
Chonsu has blocked the attack just barely, the heat from the unusual flames damaged his sword quickly, he couldn't afford a second parry like that, "You..? What do you want?" He said, moving to try and kick out one of the flames.

"That won't are far outmatched this time...though I would rather not lose a limb with this." The mage smirked, "It'd be too kind to only destroy your Sword, however.." At that the mage three a fireball towards Chonsu's face, "This, however. Makes you completely useless." He said, laughing as the attack made contact. It was too easy to catch this one off guard..maybe he should finish it...
Everything hurt, the flames wouldn't let up at all, and everything became dark in seconds. Just then, however, the flames vanished. "Why are you even here? I was having fun!" The mage hissed, glaring at the illidari, "I thought I saw some different seems I could have gotten here faster though." Eraduri watched the mage for a moment, without magic, however, he didn't seem capable of much.

"...He's as good as dead anyway. With those wounds, he'll be useless." The mage shook his head, "I suppose he could turn out to be useful bait for demons though. Have fun with that.~" The mage left, avoiding a further confrontation.

Chonsu slowly sat up, wincing at his attempt to open his eyes, "...He did too much damage Chonsu. A healer can't repair it.." Eraduri helped her friend to his feet, The elf just shook his head, "You..illidari. You do have the ability to use magic sight right..?"
" Well..yes...but our training could kill most people." She explained, Chonsu just placed his sword on the ground, "They figure I'm gone now..I.want to join. To attempt this training...I refuse to be useless."
Eraduri sighed, shaking her head, "You're a reckless idiot you realize.."
"That's been said before," Chonsu admitted, vanishing along with Eraduri's hearthstone.
Leirean looked over the long-familiar streets of Silvermoon, Fixing his ponytail quietly, "Suppose Volpad, you should vanish this time? I'm going into a crowd." He explained, his friend carefully perched on his shoulder, "Awww. But arcane tomes." Leirean nodded, "I'll get you some if anything to keep Tre'thera from killing you this week. "
"She can get over it, it was two tomes!" Volpad chittered in annoyance, Leirean snatching his ear, "Two tomes from the Kirin'Tor! You are lucky she's forgiving. "

"That is an odd pet." A voice came from behind Leirean, Volpad immediately hissed opening a small fel portal, "I'm no longer your guinea pig!" The imp growled, vanishing.
"I uh..apologize. It's not like him to react like that." The mage just fixed his gaze on the warlocks bag, was this fool the thief..? That time was rightfully his. As that minion was...though for now. Playing along was key, "Imps are fickle. I imagine he's hard to control. Isn't he? "

"Volpad? Not really.." The mage sighed, " No reason to lie. It's a demon. Tell you what, we could trade tomes. My minions are a bit useless anyway. " Leirean shook his head, "No way. I like them just fine I must go, however. The bazaar is only open for so long, and I need to get books for my friend. Bye." Leirean then left the spell caster alone, moving to a shop selling old tomes. He had 50 gold from his work, more than enough to cover a few to add to the library.

That was until the shop nearby began to smoke. And a few beside it, The strange mage just let enough burn to cause chaos. Before leaving to report Leirean to the Blood Knights. Soon that tome would be confiscated, and he could steal it right after.
Leirean summoned his felhunter, which promptly went straight to eating the unusual purple-red flames. making short work of on one stall after the other, "Good! Now shoo before any guards see you!" Leirean called, his felhunter jumping down and vanishing into a portal, Leirean let out a slight breath, before someone grabbed him, "What did you do..warlock? Lost your temper?" Leirean shook his head quickly, "No- no way. I was helping put them out...I don't...know who did this. I apologize."

The silver-eyed mage stepped out from behind the guards, "Then why were you so incapable of controlling that little imp of Why it nearly burned the entire bazaar down!" Leirean glared, pulling his arm away from the guard despite his better judgment, "You fully intended to take my Imp earlier. I have no reason to attack this place and they know it."
"...Except..what you are still breaking our laws Leirean. You surely must realize that." Mehlar explained, letting Liadrin through to calm the situation a bit.

"...Until we find a proper way to deal with this. You are to return home...without that tome." She said, holding her hand out to take it. Leirean shook his head, "I...I can't do that. I agree the Fel is dangerous to mess with... it's also a powerful aid if you can manage it." Liadrin sighed, moving to take the bag, "I'm afraid it's too dangerous. Just hand it over." Leirean sighed, moving his hand into his bag, handing a dark tome with purple runes to Liadrin, "There...may I go now?" Liadrin nodded, not before the warlock booked it. Back to the library.
Leirean entered the library quickly, slamming the door behind him, "Tre'thera! I need your help.." The librarian looked over at her apprentice, raising a brow, "Why isn't that imp with you? You usually insist on letting him wander around." Leirean sighed, "They...found out I was a warlock..and think I attempted to destroy the Bazaar."
Tre'thera sighed, pulling out an older book, "...You realize with the legion here, they won't give you any chance. Correct?" Leirean slowly nodded, leaning on the door, "...I cannot get you out of this. I can get you away, however. I'd rather you not yourself banished to the Ghostlands."

With that Tre'thera opened a portal, dark woods surrounded by a river within, "You keep a cloak on at all times. Not much will hide those eyes of yours. can likely getaway as a traveling high elf. If you are careful." Leirean looked into the portal confused, "Where...would this take me?"
"Duskwood. It's quiet enough that a passing traveler won't be well noticed. There's a large town that can give you directions otherwise. Usually, you'd be sent to Orgrimmar but...everyone is wary of the legion. Duskwood has been getting hit hard, however. Stand against them there, and you may be able to gain trust within the alliance."

Leirean quietly collected his things, summoning Volpad, "...I guess I'll need to find some way to visit again. But...thank you Tre'thera. You've helped me though...won't you get in trouble?"
"Oh no! You warlocks are too fond of mind control!" With that Tre'thera pushed Leirean through the portal, closing it. "Good luck though." She left to answer the door, and give a witness account to Liadrin.
"A warden betraying other wardens. Who would have thought." The illidari adjusted a large red and gold blindfold slightly, retying it, "Nice to be able to stretch my legs though! It's been a while since I've explored."
"Chonsu. Take this seriously, it is a scouting mission, we need to deal with the rest of the demons here." Eraduri dragged him by an arm, back behind the other scouts.
"Eraduri, this is the first time in years we have seen Azeroth. We can do a little exploring." Chonsu grinned slightly, hopping onto his felsaber, "Now. Let's catch up to that Archmage before he ends up murdered by a felbat."

"You haven't lost that temperament of yours from imprisonment then. Somehow." Eraduri summoned her felstalker, following her ally, who'd at that point gone halfway down the path, "And you're still stubborn. Guess it didn't do much after all. Right?"
Khadgar waited for the illidari to regroup, to give them directions to their capitals, to establish themselves as allies to either faction, as well as their own.
"That prince let you in, way too easily. You sure it's not a trap?" Leirean shrugged, watching stormwind, "I guess they think Fel affected my eye color. Otherwise, they don't seem to mind me hanging around. So long as I don't cause trouble." He placed the letter into his bag, then turned to leave for the docks, "^Did you need to involve yourself with this search though? If Duskwood nearly got you killed an island of the Legion may be a little worse you realize!^"

Leirean shrugged, "Yeah but I am in the alliance now. I'm going to help them, whenever possible. I may have you sit this one out though...You're right. It's more dangerous than before." Volpad lashed his tail summoning a small fireball, "Don't even! That mutt of yours eats enough already! it's my turn to steal magic!^" Leirean sighed, placing the imp on the ground, "Stubborn as ever. Fine...just don't burn any of our allies this time."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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