Demonic Beginnings.

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The pie was set out to cool for the dinner party, Pretty easy mistake to make with me around to be honest. Either way, I snatched the pie off of the windowsill quickly fleeing away from the house and trying not to be noticed.

Which is much easier said then done in the middle of Silvermoon.... I darted into an alleyway to enjoy my snack, snickering slightly, This isn't the first time- Or the last, that I've done this.....I really just enjoy baked goods.

I finished the pie, and left the alleyway, Not noticing anyone coming up behind me.

"Leirean. Mind explaining the missing pie?" Arastor asked, seeming rather unamused by this incident, I turned around and grinned slightly, "Uh...No clue I've gotta go!" I said attempting to flee, being dragged back over, "What am I supposed to do with you...?" Arastor said, before turning, "Either way. You do have lessons....come along now."

I followed my teacher, rather happy that I wasn't polymorphed...some other students who had stolen potions were turned into boars for a week from what I've heard, Then again I'm training to be a priest...not a mage.

By the time we had gotten there Liadrin was leading the Blood Knights out of the city, presumably on Kael'thas' orders, Arastor and I headed to the always had this strange glow around it, Though I never knew why....not for a few years anyways.

Arastor glanced at a nearby training dummy, nodding in my direction, "Smite is a fairly basic spell....You should be able to cast it well here, give it a try." He said, handing me a silver spellbook, I stepped forward and watched the dummy, "Bixim!" I attempted to summon the spell...and after a few minutes of waiting, nothing happened.

Not even a flicker of the light near the Sunwell...How? Arastor sighed slightly and glanced at me, "Seems the light isn't your element Leirean....I can't say why though." He muttered, I had no better idea either....honestly...I was never great with the light to begin with.

A few days passed and I decided to start working at a bookshop nearby, I wasn't too shattered by the fact I wasn't able to use the light honestly...Mostly just confused as to why I completely lost the ability to. reason to dwell. Working there actually wasn't bad, I enjoyed it...and That's how it stayed for around the time I was in my early teens.

I was busy placing new books on the shelves, sorting them and sneaking a look at some of their last pages...A bad habit of mine when I was curious about how a story would end.

Tre'thera, the owner of this shop, was often suggesting that I don't read the end first...not that it worked, "I have a shipment of Spellbooks coming Leirean. Be rather careful with them when they arrive." She walked over and handed me the key to the shop, "I have to leave for a few weeks to speak to a friend of mine. Keep an eye here until then." I nodded, taking the keys, "I'll be sure to keep watch here. Count on it." Tre'thera happily nodded and left the shop.

It remained quiet for most of that day, Before someone came in, I noticed it had been a friend of mine...that had joined the Blood Order, Mehlar, "Odd to see one of your order at this old place you know." I said, Smirking slightly at the paladin, "I'm here to pick up the spellbooks.....if they're here that is." He said before playfully shoving me over, "You never really do change do ya?" He asked, laughing slightly.

"At least I've stopped stealing pies." I said, knowing that it was a fairly weak comeback, "As for the spellbooks....They haven't arrived yet. I'll be sure to let you know when they do." Mehlar nodded, "Alright....Still no clue about why the light didn't work for you all those years ago?" He asked, seeming curious, I shook my head, "Nope......weird time to ask that you know." Mehlar just shrugged, "Just seems strange honestly." With that, he left...while I pondered what on Azeroth brought that question on.

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