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"I'M DONE WITH YOU" a scream came from one of the many rooms in the hall, then a door slammed right in front of Schlatt's face. Tubbo ran down to his room, packed all his clothes and his belongings that are important to him, then stuffed them all in a backpack.
Times passed, the hall was empty and quite for a while, well it is, until midnight. A door creaked in the halls, Tubbo sneaked out of the castle. Running away.
He went to the village, got some food and weapons to survive, then ran to the forest.

Tubbo walked around the forest, trying to find a safe place to stay. His plan was to get rest for the night, then keep walking until he found a village far away from Schlatt's kingdom, to stay. While walking around the forest, he was impressed with all the nature surrounding him, he never saw this much trees before, because Schlatt never really let him go to forests. He explored more in the forest, then got a weird vibe that he was being followed. He panicked a bit when he first got the vibe, then he just kept trying to keep his trail unseen. He then found a perfect spot for him to stay for the night, he decided to put his tent there.
A few hours have passed and he still cant sleep, he still got the feeling someone's watching him, "whoever you are that's watching me, stop, I'm trying to sleep here you creep!" Tubbo shouts in anger, but little did he know, it was his first mistake. After he shouted, he heard bushes around him moving, he tried to find who was near him, but it was too dark. He took his flashlight, light it up, the spotted it at the bush, he couldn't believe what he saw.

A figure disappeared as Tubbo blinked his eyes, making him even more scared, then a tall figure appeared behind Tubbo. Tubbo jumped to the ground and walked back a bit, he could see a tall, black and white figure in front of him he was shivering as the tall figure walks to him. "||𝙹⚍'∷ᒷ リ𝙹ℸ ̣ ∴ᒷꖎᓵ𝙹ᒲᒷ ⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ" (you're not welcome) the tall figure said, Tubbo was filled with confusion, but it ended as the tall figure grabbed him and ran away from his tent. "HEY! LET ME GO!" Tubbo screamed as he tried to punch the tall figure, but it didn't work, Tubbo then almost fell as his water bottle opens and flows water, the tall figure screeched in pain, dropped Tubbo, and teleported away.

"What just happened?-" Tubbo asked himself as he takes his water bottle, closing it. He looked around seeing a bit of light, "that must be my tent!" Tubbo said excitedly. He ran to the source or the light and it was true! It was his tent, looks like he forgot to turn of his flashlight. Tubbo then took his flashlight, got inside his tent, and pulled out a book. He opened the book, he kept searching then stopped on a specific page. "Ahah! Endermen! So that's what they're called." Tubbo said as he looked fro more information. "It says here that they came from the End? Where is that??" Tubbo said in confusion. He kept searching for information about these 'Endermen' till he forgot to sleep.

"No wonder that enderman tried to take me, it thinks this forest is its?? what an idiot" Tubbo said as he put down his book, and walked out the tent. "Ah shoot i forgot to sleep" Tubbo said to himself as he saw the sunlight going through the trees. Tubbo walked around his tent area, looking for a perfect spot for a campfire, then built on himself.

As he was humming to himself, building his campfire, he heard something moving in the bush, he then jumped then immediately took his axe, "W-who's there?-" Tubbo asked as he goes closer to the bush, he opened the bush and it was just a rabbit, "Oh thank god it was something harmless" he then sighs in relief, until he heard a familiar voice, "||𝙹⚍'∷ᒷ リ𝙹ℸ ̣ ∴ᒷꖎᓵ𝙹ᒲᒷ ⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ" (you're not welcome here), a voice came from behind, Tubbo turned around, seeing the tall figure standing there, he felt scared, but more prepared this time, "you're not taking me this time!" Tubbo said as he pulled out his water bottle. The tall figure then walked back a bit, whimpering a bit as Tubbo walked closer to it, holding his water bottle higher. "I could just kill you right now." Tubbo said with a straight face as he opens his water bottle, the enderman whimpers, "but, ill spare you!" Tubbo said as he drinks his water.

The enderman looked so confused, it stands up, looking as Tubbo drinking his water, "⍑𝙹∴ ᔑ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ↸𝙹╎リ⊣ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ?" (how are you doing that?), the enderman asked. Tubbo took a big gulp and closed his water bottle, "i wanna know how you talk in your language" Tubbo said as he points at the enderman, "but first! Lets agree to not kill each other" Tubbo said as he takes out his hand, waiting for a handshake. The enderman looked so confused, but then realized this small creature is asking for peace, so they took Tubbo's hand, shaking aggressively, "Ill take that as a yes" Tubbo chuckled as he hold his head, looking dizzy.

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