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I'm sitting in my room playing with my toys when I notice its raining. I don't pay much mind to it since it's just rain. I'll run and get dada if it starts thundering. I dont like thunder. Its scary. five minutes pass and my entire room lights up as lightning strikes outside. i scream and run out of the room, and end up running straight into the wall and fall to the floor starting to cry. 

"DADA!" I yell, sobbing.

Dada runs to me, I'm guessing from the kitchen, and immediately picks me up and takes me to his room. He sits down on the bed with me in his lap, gently rocking me back and forth.

"Shhh baby its ok. You're ok. It's just a little thunder little one, it'll be over soon," he says, putting my paci in for me as both my hands are occupied with gripping onto him. 

" head..." I whimper, as it starts to throb.

He immediately lifts my face from his shoulder, immediately seeing a bruise and a goose bump forming.

"oh my god, princess, what happened?" he asks.

"I..I ran into the wall..." I say before burying my face back in his shoulder and flinching as theres more thunder.

"baby, I need to go get you some ice, are you ok with me leaving you in here or do you want to come with me?" 

"with you..." I whimper, going back to sucking on my paci trying to ignore the thunderstorm outside. 

dada stands up with me and carries me to the kitchen and gets an ice pack, and holds it against my forehead as he carries me back to his room. 

"d..dada...." I whimper, flinching as theres more thunder,

"shh little one, its ok its ok. I'm here, shhh," he says, covering my ears as he lays down with me, holding my shaking body close to his.

dada starts humming your guardian angel by the red jumpsuit apparatus, knowing it'll help calm me down, and I eventually fall asleep in his arms. 

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