Celebrity Crush. |Christopher Mintz-Plasse|

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Celebrity Crush. |Christopher Mintz-Plasse| One-shot

I looked around the park, wondering where the hell is Jazz. I looked ahead and saw a couple making out. Eeww... They are seemed blocking my way. "Umm... Excuse me..... Would you mind?" I asked the two people. They stopped what they are doing and glared at me. My heart beat stopped as I saw my boyfriend with that bimbo in school. His eyes widened as he saw my presence. John bit his lip and opened his mouth to say something, until I smacked his cheek. I could tell that I am crying, because I can sense my nose is turning red and my eyes are stinging from those tears. John put his hand up on where I slapped him and he seemed shocked.

"YOU FREAKING, UNGRATEFUL, FOUL, LOATHSOME BASTARD! YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME, YOUR OWN 'GIRLFRIEND'! HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME WITH THIS FREAKING FAKE BLONDE BIMBO!" I yelled at him. The slut, Andrea, (Author's Note: Sorry if that your name. It just popped into my head.) widened her fake blue eyes and pushed my shoulders. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, NERD! HE'S MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND! WHO ARE YOU TO SAY THIS?!?" She screamed, with her annoying voice, that made my eardrums destroyed. Every person in the park looked towards at our direction, watching our argument. I clenched my teeth and my fists to control my anger. "DO NOT INSULT WITH ME BITCH, YOU WERE THERE WHEN HE ASKED ME OUT!" I argued. John grabbed the bimbo's shoulder, "Shh, babe. Let me handle Renee." He turned to me trying to hold my shoulder, "Renee, please let me explain." I interrupted him by pushing him away. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME, JOHN! D-Did y-you, D-Did y-you r-really m-meant every w-word y-you say? When y-you s-said I-I a-am beautiful?" I stuttered, my voice cracked. John's brown orbs straightened with mine. He wrapped his arms on my waist. "Renee, I do. I love yo-"

"DON'T YOU SAY THAT 3 WORDS THAT TO ME, AGAIN, JOHN! I HAVE LOVED YOU EVER SINCE I MET YOU! YOU EVEN TOLD ME YOU HAVE WAITING FOR SO LONG, JUST FOR ME TO BE WITH YOU! HOW COULD YOU?!? HOW COULD YOU FUCKING DO THIS TO ME!?!" I yelled, smashing my fists on his broadened chest. I pushed myself away from his dying arms. "I HATE YOU, JOHN EDWARD ALISTAIR!" I began to walk away until someone grabbed my arm, "Renee, please listen to me-" "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME AGAIN AND DO NOT, I MEAN DO NOT APPEAR TO MY FACE AGAIN, YOU UGLY LYING ASS!" I slammed my elbow to his stomach, making him groan in pain. I smirked and turned away from them. Before walking away, I turned around and say to Andrea, "Hey, Andrea!" The bitch yelled, "What?!?" I flipped her the birdie. Oh my god, Her face! Hahaha! I turned back around and continued walking, and murmured to myself, "More like the baddest day of my life."

"What did you do!?!" Jazz's voice rang to my ears. "I told them to stay away from me, and not to appear to my face again." I answered, calmly. I walked to the sidewalk, apparently, I am headed to a Japanese restaurant here in Los Angeles called Urasawa, (Author's Note: Yes, it's a real restaurant.) while talking to Jazz on the phone. "Oh, GOD, BABE! YOU REALLY DID THAT?!? I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CAN DO THAT!" Jazz exclaimed. "I know right." I replied, turning to the right while walking. "YOU REALLY FLIPPED HER OFF!?! OH GOD, RENEE! THAT'S SO FREAKING AWESOME!" I chuckled, as I saw it. "Yes, Payne. I did. I am in the front of the restaurant." I say, looking up at the logo, and walked down the street when the stop sign turned red. "Okay, I'm on my way. Bye, babe."

"Bye." I hunged up. I put my phone on my bag. I reached at the pathwalk near Urasawa until I clumsily bumped into someone, making me fall on my arse. 'Oh god, What a day.' I thought, sarcastically. Quite an irony. I rolled my eyes mentally, I kept repeating and repeating apologies to the person that I bumped into. "It's alright, darling. There's no need to apologize. I wasn't looking where I was going." A familiar voice rang to my ears. It made my body feel excited yet nervous, make goosebumps appear and my cheeks flamed. I know that voice, Oh my god, Oh my god. I looked up to see if I was right, and yeah, Hell yeah, I was freaking right. He pulled out his pale hand infront of me, and I gladly accepted it, slowly. He helped me stand up, and I looked into those dark brown eyes I loved ever since he played McLovin' in Superbad. Chris smiled at me, making my stomach flutter.

"T-Thanks." I say, timidly. Chris just smiled with his signature smile, without showing any of his teeth. "Your welcome. Sorry again for bumping into you. I wasn't paying attention. I had a very bad day." Chris grinned, shyly. I smiled slightly, and was interested looking at my doll shoes. I just nodded slowly at him, butterflies flying around in my stomach. "Me too." I was surprised that I can reply to him without any stuttering. Chris smiled and he held his hand out for me to shake. "My name's Chris, Christopher Mintz-Plasse." I smiled as I linked mine against his.

"Renee, Renee David." As cliché as it sounds, Every romantic movie are all right. I felt a jolt of electricity flowing out through our hands. We both pulled away, and we both gazed our hands at the same time. We both locked gaze, each other, and I blushed madly and turned away from his beautiful and breathtaking eyes. I heard him fake-coughed and I faced him with my cheeks turned into rose tint. I saw his cheeks darken once I looked at him. 'He can't like me..... Right? I mean, He just met me. Silly Renee. Don't think like that! I mean, even though he's your celebrity crush, doesn't mean you can jump into conclusions, like that! Silly of me.' I thought, sadly.

"So, ummm..... Where you headed?" He say, nervously, before he cleared his throat. I smiled as I answered, "In Urasawa." Chris grinned widely and he exclaimed, "That's where I am going!" His cheeks tinted red in embarassment as I start giggling. "Cool." I grinned hugely at him. He put his arms like I am like his muse, "Shall we go, mademoiselle?" He asked with a fake and failed British posh accent. I laughed, as I loop my arm into his, "Why thank you, kind sir." Chris smiled as we both skipped to the resturant laughing all the way.

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