18: kiss

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   Jungkook was looking at his naked torso in the mirror, examining he faint bruises underneath his tattoos. He was healing up quite nicely, and Taehyung seemed to be healing even faster which filled Jungkook with relief.
   He grabs his shirt that is laying on the sink and slips it over his wet head. He shakes his hair and runs his fingers through it a couple of times until it stays laid back.
   He walks out of the bathroom, and heads to his room for the night. It was cold outside tonight since winter was just around the corner. He checks his phone, seeing no notifications which wasn't that big of a surprise.
   He lays down and yawns. He hasn't had a good nights sleep in weeks. It is hard to sleep when people are being murdered because of you.
   Jungkook reaches over and turns off his lamp.


   "You look like my shit when i'm sick."
  Jungkook ignores Jin's comment as he walks inside his apartment. He knew he had dark circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep he gets. There was still bruising of course that did not help.
  "You guys have any news?" Jungkook asks as he sits on the couch next to Yoongi who scrolls on his phone.
  "Nope. Clueless as ever," Jin answers, going to his kitchen and pouring a cup of coffee.
   It was early in the morning before Jungkook leaves for school. His friends don't sleep much either anymore.
   "Nothing new on social media or the news. I'm surprised since it has been a few days," Yoongi says as he puts his phone down. He yawns making Jungkook yawn as well.
   "That should be comforting, but I can't help but be worried."
   Jin sighs and sips his coffee as he thinks.


   "Morning, Kookie."
Jungkook gives Taehyung a smile even though it took a lot of energy to do so. It's not his fault Jungkook was responsible for people dying.
   "Hey. You look happy," Jungkook says. Taehyung sits down and shrugs.
   "I'm optimistic about the day."
   Class starts and it is boring as ever. Jungkook felt like he could barely keep his eyes open. Once it was over, the day seemed to drag on.
   After school, Taehyung asks if he could hang out at his place that night. Jungkook says yes of course. He figures he isn't going to sleep early anyway.
   The boys watch some T.V for an hour or so, just commenting on things that made the other laugh. It was then decided that the boys were hungry so Jungkook got up to see what there was to eat.
   Taehyung watches him look through the cabinets and fridge for something to make them.
   "You're a really good guy, Jungkook," Taehyung speaks up from the couch after a minute of just watching.
   Jungkook was making some ramen for both of them. He stops and gives Tae a small smile.
   "Well, I think you're great too, Tae."
   Taehyung gets up and walks over to Jungkook. He hops on the counter and watches Jungkook cook.
   "No, I mean you're a good guy and you don't deserve..." Taehyung sighs as he tries to find the right words to say.
   "Deserve what?"
   Taehyung does not answer. He just reaches up, putting his hand on Jungkook's cheek. The boys stare at each other for a second before Taehyung grabs Jungkook's shirt and pulls him in, smashing their lips together.
   Surprise was Jungkook's first thought. It doesn't take him long to recover from it, pulling Tae closer and deepening the kiss. Taehyung has one hand gripping Jungkook's shirt, the other on his cheek. Jungkook pulls Taehyung closer, opening his mouth as the kiss heats up.
   Taehyung is a glorious kisser. Jungkook wants to slam him on his bed and do all kinds of things to him, but instead he pulls away.
   Both boys were breathing hard, their lips glossy and pink. Taehyung was in shock at how amazing Jungkook was. He has never felt like this before.
   "You're telling me."
   Taehyung giggles and pulls Jungkook closer to hug him.
   He never wanted this feeling to go away.


   The news blares inside of Jin's apartment, the three boys staring at the television in horror.
   There was another murder. It was a kid from Jungkook's school. He didn't know the kid, but it didn't matter.
   "They know," Yoongi mutters, blinking at the screen that had a picture of the boy who was killed.
   "Oh God," Jungkook finally says when he finds his voice. He had tears in his eyes. He looks away from the screen trying not to feel what the boys parents are probably feeling.
   "Jungkook, You need to move."
  He doesn't reply to Jin. He wipes his eyes and takes a second to catch his breath.
   The three guys don't say much as they sit and mourn for all the people that have been killed. They mourn for them and the ones soon to come.


I wanna finish this for you guys. I've been horrible to you and you guys are always asking for this so i wanna give it to y'all.

lots of love ❤️

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