13: Yoongi, the good liar

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Jimin stares at Jungkook and lets out a small laugh, "Do you have a shirt i could wear?"

Jungkook turns the light on in the room, slightly shutting the door, "Don't try and lie to me, Jimin."

Jungkook picks out a plain tee from his closet and throws it at the bare chested male. Jimin slips the blue shirt over his head, "W-what are you talking about?"

Jungkook crosses his arms, "You were trying to snoop."


"Jimin, i don't have a problem with you but you continue to poke your nose in my business then i will," Jungkook tells him, stepping closer.

Jimin raises his eyebrow, "Since when did you get so brave?"

Jungkook narrows his eyes, "I think it's time for you to go."

Jimin nods, walking past Jungkook but stops, "Why do you wear fake glasses?"

Jungkook swiftly answers, "Again, that is non of your concern."

Jimin just looks him over one more time before walking out the room, telling Taehyung that they were leaving.

"But i don't wanna leave," Tae says as he sits on the couch, "It's fun here."

"Come on, Tae."

Taehyung sighs and gets up, "Bye, kookie!" Tae yells before the front door opening and shutting was heard.

Jungkook was then alone again. His jaw was clenched in slight irritation at Jimin. He was going to expose him, and get him killed or worse.

The dick didn't even say thanks for patching him up.


"Jimin, stop walking so fast! you know I like to take my time."

Jimin pauses and waits for his friend to catch up, "Tae, don't trust Jungkook," Jimin says as the two walk towards Jimin's house.

"Why not? He's so nice!"

"Don't be blinded by his attractiveness," Jimin tells him, "He's hiding something."

Taehyung blushes, "I'm not blinded! Yes, he's cute but it doesn't make me like him."

The two walks across the front yard of Jimin's nice home, Jimin let's Taehyung walk through the front door first, "Just, trust me, please."

Tae passes by the living room with Jimin's parents, saying hello before jogging upstairs. Jimin follows Tae into his room and shuts the door, "So you wont hang out with him anymore?"

Taehyung looks up from his lap, "No, he's my friend."

"Dammit, Tae," Jimin sighs, walking over to sit next to him, "He's going to hurt you."


"Don't be stubborn."

"I'm not."

Jimin sighs heavily, "Swear, sometimes i wanna choke you."

"Oh, but Jungkook is the dangerous one."

Jimin shoves Tae slightly, falling back on his blue bed. Tae pokes his stomach that was visible, "You know, Jungkook has nice abs."

Jimin sits up, "Okay, and?"

"They're better than yours."

"That can't be," Jimin scoffs, "I've played sports and worked out for years."

"Well, maybe he's a better sports player."

Jimin flicks Taehyung on his forehead, making the boy wince, "You think that geek has played a sport?"

"Discrimination much?"

"Look," Jimin says, "the dude wears frog shirts but has abs? wears fake glasses and does his hair ugly on purpose? That doesn't seem strange to you?"

Taehyung shakes his head, "I'm a boy and i like to wear girl clothes, Jimin. We all have things we prefer."

Jimin just sighs in defeat, realizing he'll never get through to Tae. He's just going to have to keep and eye out for him.


Yoongi counts the money in the register, happy to see he was over. He writes down the total when the heavy door could be heard opening.

"We're closed," Yoongi says, not looking up as he puts the money in its place.

"Why did you lie?"

Yoongi looks up, a gun pointed at his head. A man stood behind it with a black face mask and a long black coat. Yoongi's breath hitches, "Lie about what?"

"He's not dead."

Yoongi curses in his mind, "He's not?"

"No, and lying again will make this worse for you."

Yoongi secretly calls Jungkook, who was already on his way over, the phone below the desk so the man couldn't see, "Look, i thought JK was dead."

"We have a picture of him walking into this place a few days ago."

Yoongi raises his eyebrows, "I never saw him."

The man shoots, the bullet grazing Yoongi's ear, just enough to sting and scare the living shit out of him.

"I'm trying to be nice here!" The man yells aggressively, pulling Yoongi by the shirt and bringing the gun to his temple, "Tell me where he is!"

"I-I don't know!" Yoongi says, shutting his eyes, "I haven't seen him in months, i swear!"

Yoongi was a pretty good liar, and he was happy that it was good enough to stall. Suddenly, the man with the gun was in a chokehold, Jungkook, bringing him down to the ground and twisting his neck, killing him instantly.

Yoongi finally let out the air he was holding, giving wide eyed Jungkook who was with the dead man in his lap a look that could only mean that they were in deep, deep shit.

And it wasn't only Jungkook now.



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