To the Fountain

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(Barbossa led Jack and Elizabeth back to his group, Barbossa scouted ahead leaving Jack and Elizabeth more or less alone together)

Elizabeth: "So I'm guessing you don't trust him?"

Jack: "About as far as I could throw you Lizzie. Which normally I might be able to do but..given your current weight.."

(Elizabeth rolled her eyes)

Elizabeth: "I understand you and Barbossa have a complicated history but I believe he'll keep his word. After all he was the one who helped us rescue you from the locker."

Jack: "Only to acquire my piece of eight and me Pearl. So forgive me for not including him on me Christmas card list."

Elizabeth: "Well he came through for me before I have no doubt he'll do so again. Now Jack..about what happened earlier.."

Jack: "We talking about when we sang for the mermaids? Yes that didn't make much sense did it?"

Elizabeth: "No not that. I mean the kiss.."

Jack: "Oh! Still thinking it over eh? Not to worry. I've been doing the same."

(Jack flashed her a grin, she returned it with a warm smile)

Elizabeth: "Oh really? Well what shall we do about it?"

Jack: "Well..perhaps we share a bath in the Fountain. I hope it's not too cold."

(Elizabeth chuckled)

Elizabeth: "So what does this mean, Jack? For us."

Jack: "I suppose that is up to you darling. I do not wish to intrude upon your life with dear William and little whelp junior there. So if all this is is just an eensy weensy way to keep yourself occupied while you wait for William's heroic return in about 9 and a half years then..I will be here."

(Elizabeth considered his words thoughtfully)

Jack: "However if you decide cheating on your husband is wrong which I believe is stated in the good book I'll be more than eager to bugger on out of your life again."

(Jack tried to maintain a joking tone but he couldn't keep the sadness out of his voice)

Elizabeth: "That's very considerate of you, Jack but no matter what happens I never want you out of my life again."

Jack: "Really? Just can't get enough of old Jack eh?"

Elizabeth: "That is a massive understatement."

(They shared a warm smile when Barbossa signalled them over, they joined him as he informed his men of the change in plan)

(Gibbs was eating a huge tub of beef when he saw Jack and Elizabeth)

Gibbs: "Slap me thrice and hand me to me mama! Jack! Miss Elizabeth!"

(He ran over to them, pulling them into a bear hug)

Jack: "Gibbs! What the devil are you doing here?"

Gibbs: "Barbossa found me in London and more or less forced me to come along on his mission to the Fountain which isn't all that bad since it's what we were gonna do anyway. But Miss Elizabeth! I sure wasn't expecting to see you here."

Elizabeth: "Yes it was all a very last minute thing. It's great to see you again, Mr Gibbs."

Gibbs: "Aye. Right back at ya! But if I may ask why aren't you on that island where we left ye? I was under the impression that you needed to wait there on land for the whole ten years in order for Will's curse to be properly fulfilled."

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