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~recap~ I head stepmother stomping up the stairs. Not another beating I have already paid for what I did. Right?
She opens my door a with a mean looking frown. "GET DOWN STAIRS A CLEAN THE ENTIRE HOUSE!" "Yes ma'am I'll get..." "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CALLING ME MA'AM? IF YOU CAN'T CALL ME MOM THEN GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" "I am sorry..." I barely spit out, "mom." I trudge downstairs and start to clean the house. As I reach the bathroom I walk in and lock the door. Grandpa never promised me... and I never promised him. I pull out my blade and slice down my arm.

I walk out of the bathroom and wash off my arms. My dad looks at me and smiles. It looks like one of those smiles that he used to do around mom. When he liked me, but I am confused. Didn't he just whip me? "Come here honey." I walk up to my dad slowly and carefully. "Yes daddy?" I bit my lip, I am scared to death. "Sweetie.. Me and mom are thinking about sending you to an adoption home. We don't need a worthless piece of crap like you in our house anymore." "Daddy I want to stay with you." I really don't want to go to an adoption center I will just get even more abused. "Really? You rather stay here? To bad we only need Robert." I make a rare move that will definitely confuse him. I grab my dad and hug him as tight as I can and cuddle up with him. "Daddy I love you and I don't want to leave you guys." He looks shocked his mouth wide open. Robert look like he just saw a celebrity. My dad replies in shock," No, you can't stay here we already set you up there you will be moving in one month. But you may visit." I break down in front of my dad. "Daddy why! You left my mom and now your leaving me!" "Don't bring your mother into this she died by herself!" "Sure dad! Don't you remember she died because of your stupid cigarettes and the fire!" Tears crawl down my face faster than a cheetah. "Young lady," he was crying to, " you better get out of this house before I beat you to your death!" I ran so fast that I could feel my legs disintegrate as they painfully hit the cement. I reached the hospital. I went inside to see grandpa. His eyes were shut tight and I didn't want to wake him, so I started to leave. Then I heard an earsplitting beep. I turned around faster then you can say help.
--------------------------------------------------- I am sorry about the ending guys.
I know it's sad but I had too.
What do you guys think should happen next?
I know I said five votes but I couldn't help adding a new chapter.

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