The Jock

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Draft Date: 3-27-15
Chapter 1 - The Jock
POV | Jackson

I shook my English teachers hand, Mr.Teglar, as I was welcomed into English class. U wasn't excited to be here, well, I was only excited to regain my title of "Jock Queen."

I would be called jock queen, because I'm a jock, and I am like, a queen. I ruled pretty much everyone in that school. And yes, the cheerleaders feared me.

Everyone in this school had a label. Wether it was Jock or Cheerleader, artist, nerd, or actor, hippie, goody-good, rebel, skater, player... We were all the same. We all were tired of being a perfect imagine that our guardians wanted us to be. I didn't want to be little miss princess! And I won't.

By the time I had that whole rant In my head, watched a couple spongebob episodes, and drew on my paper, class was over. When I was walking out the door, someone yelled.

I turned around.
"Yes?" I answered, hoping that this conversation was something that I actually care about, witch is not many things.
"You dropped your papers." The girl with black hair girl told me.

She was wearing a light purple dress on with a white scarf and white flat shoes. She has two long, silver earrings that has hearts inside the circles. She also had a pear necklace.

"Oh. Oh." I said. "Thanks." I said shortly after.
"I'm Peyton." She stated.
"So, you look new. Want me to show ya round'?"
"Would you?"
"Sure thing."

I handed her my schedule in trade for my papers. We walked down the wide hallways, passing lockers and unhappy teenagers.
Typical Monday.

We finally stopped at a wide wooden door that said, in big bold letters:

Oh shit.
What did I do?
"Hey-y Peyton?"
"Why are we here?"
"To get you and me passes."
"Okay." I said, still wondering what a pass is.

"If your wondering, a pass is something we use to take you and I's classes of to tour the school."
Well, that's nice.

As we walked through the empty halls, there was a boy. A tall, blondish - brownish haired boy, with broad shoulders and a wide frame.

"That's Ace."

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