Ch.13: The White Ravens

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I opened my eyes slowly because my head was ringing like hell. I sat on the bed, groaning, and massaged my temples. It hurt so much, and my body felt like I'd carried all the weight of the world on my back. The last thing I remembered was that man leaning forward to reach me before my mind went blank.

I was pretty sure that I wasn't in my room back in the house. But where the hell was I?

I scanned the room I was in and found out that I was in what seemed like a small room that was made entirely of wood. It looked like I was in a cottage of some sort because I could still see the trees outside the window, which meant that I was still in the woods.

I looked at my leg and noticed that it was bandaged, along with my arm. I tried to move my leg, but it didn't hurt. My back was still a bit sore, but my arm and leg were fine, a little numb. I wonder who did that. And where was Max? Or anyone?

Did the hunter get him? I was starting to feel anxious. What if he did? What about the others? But wait...I also remember seeing the hunter unconscious on the ground.

I had so many questions in my head right now, and it honestly began to hurt. How long was I out? Did the mysterious man tend my wounds?

"Well, finally, you're awake," a very familiar voice said from my right. I turned to see that Poirot freak leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. He was looking at me with a smug smirk on his face as I blinked twice at him to make sure he was real.

What the hell is he doing here? And how come I didn't notice the door opening? I was too busy thinking to pay attention. I rubbed my aching head once again as I got off the bed.

"Where am I? And what are you doing here?" I demanded as I approached him. He raised an eyebrow at me, that smirk still playing on his handsome face.

I never really noticed how handsome Jacob was. I was too busy fighting with him over whose better; Sherlock or Poirot.

His black hair appeared thicker, gleaming thanks to the setting sun seeping through the window. And he wore it half-up. His eyes were a deep pool of black, and his skin was a smooth golden-brown. He was a little on the leaner side and not as buff as Christian.

Wait...why was I even comparing the two?

"Why don't you thank me instead? After all, I was the one who treated your wounds. Now, let me take you to Samuel. He's waiting for you, Ariana." I didn't bother to know how he knew my name. The teachers addressed me as Miss Holmes at school, and he never really asked for my name.

Also, who was that Samuel? He might be the man with the strange eyes. After some hard thinking, I decided to follow Jacob. I wouldn't find out anything if I just stayed here. I nodded my head at him, and he turned from the room, allowing me to trail behind.

I had a feeling that Samuel man was the one watching me all this time. And I don't believe that it was a coincidence he just happened to be in the forest.

Jacob led me down a wooden staircase. I had so many questions in my mind right now, and I had a feeling that I was here for a reason. The place I was in was indeed a cottage, but it wasn't old or dirty. It was actually nice and modern, but I wasn't here to admire the décor.

"We're here," Jacob declared. I snapped out of my trail of thoughts and saw a wooden double door with the letter S carved on it in gold. Jacob knocked.

"Come in," a deep voice said.

Jacob twisted the knob and pushed the door open. He let me through first, not mistaking the fact that he was checking out my ass, then stepped in and closed the door. The first thing my eyes landed on was a wooden desk that had papers stacked on top of it. A large window overlooking the trees was behind it, illuminating the room.

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