Chapter one

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Where it all begins

Every year that Bloody git makes me celebrate his independence day. Why the hell should I, I lost my little brother during that war. I hated it the celebrating a most painful time for me but as per usual that git never noticed how I felt he is too selfish to read the atmosphere either. That git is none other than Alfred F Jones. 

I made my way to the world conference meeting Germany decided to call, why did he always do that? call me out to listen to France flirt with everyone; Russia asking everyone to become one with him; Italy yell about pasta as Germany yells at Italy and America who rants about being the hero... I will never understand why he turned out this way... I raised him to be a true gentleman. Where did I go wrong? Anyway, when I walked in the room everyone was already sat down, which is really odd, I am normally the first one there but no: Japan, Germany, Italy, China, Russia, France and even Canada are all here. The only person missing was America,  as usual. As I made my way to my designated seat I noticed that all eyes were on me, which I guess that they are trying to calculate my mood seen as it was July 1st today, almost time guys! 

Germany was tired of waiting for America seen as it had been 10 minutes from when the meeting was supposed to begin at 9am. So, we started the meeting without him as we do most meetings because 'The hero is never late' which is his excuse every time. Just as Germany is settling the other countries down America crashes through the doors to the conference room juggling a pile of hamburgers and large cokes. He stumbles to his seat across from me "Hey, Iggy." he asks me as he sits down placing or is it dropping his armful of junk food onto the table in front of him. "What do you want you insufferable git?" I try to give him my best glare as I am not in the mood, it is almost time and he is as clueless as ever, the room is silent when I speak and I know that everyone is dying to know what will happen next. "Iggy? What's wrong? your really in a bad mood today" I swear no one can be this clueless all of the time. "I have told you to stop calling me Iggy, what the hell is that anyway... you know what nevermind. What do you want?" I am seriously not in the mood today, why can he not just shut up for one meeting? I mean even if he was to stuff his face with the food in front of him. "Well... see" Everyone in the room is now paying attention to whatever it is German is rambling about, so no one is paying attention to me and America now. "Spit it out already!" I all but yell at the mumbling America, seriously where did I go wrong? I instantly regret the words I said because America's face losses all of the cheerfulness and looks down at the ground with what I think is a slight blush on his cheeks "Iggy, can you meet me after the meeting please... ummm I need to ummm speak with you." Alright now I was concerned, I mean an ex-colony of mine; and one I might add that I have been in love with for a long time; is asking to speak to me... my dear Alfred "of course America but please pay attention to the meeting okay." My mood seems to have lifted slightly with the thoughts going through my head, what if he needs my help for a change? will I get to be his hero for once? At my answer his face lights up looking more like my America again. 

At the end of the meeting, I pack away all of the notes and handouts and place them in my briefcase. As I walk out of the meeting room, one of the first for once, America runs up behind me laughing and calling out to the others that 'The hero is leaving'. "Yo, Iggy wait up, come on shall we go back to my place. that way I know no one will hear what I want to tell you." He doesn't even wait for my reply as he is dragging me towards his car; I walked to the meeting as it was such a nice day. "Al, what is all of this about?" I used the nickname for him when we are alone, and am rewarded by his signature grin. "Awwww, Iggy I can't tell you that otherwise it will not be a surprise." Alfred shows his excitement on the drive home, fidgeting in his seat like a small child, it takes the whole of 25 minutes to get to Alfred's house, in which he doesn't speak which is highly unlike him.

We finally arrive and Alfred stops the car and hops out waiting on the Porch for me to catch up, as I step up he opens that door and allows me entrance. I walk through the door expecting there to be a big mess but instead am shocked to find that the whole place is clean, no Mcdonalds packages over the floor. When I step into the living room I notice that Alfred is standing in the doorway watching me, smiling to himself. I sit on the sofa watching as Alfred walks over to me, smile still in place and sits next to me. "Al, what did you want to talk about?" I ask feeling unsure now, I mean nothing is adding up, the silence and clean house. just what is going on here? "W well I j just wanted to a ask you if y you wanted to....ummmm" Okay now I was concerned, my America, my cute little America looking lost and unsure of himself. So, I did the only thing that came to mind, I pulled him close, hugging him, stroking his hair like I used to when he was a child. "Hey, come on Al, whatever it is you can tell me you know that right?" He had started to shake in my arms and I knew he was scared, scared of what he was about to say next "Iggy? You know why I had to leave right?" he pulled away slightly, not leaving my embrace, to look into my eyes as if searching for the answer. "Al, what are you on about? Why bring that up now, at this time?" He looked back down at his hands, now placed on his lap but still in my arms. "I just need to tell you this please Arthur." The use of my human name made me nervous, America only used it when he was deathly serious and no one will argue with him like this, well maybe Russia. "Okay, Alfred go ahead." I swallow a lump that seems to be growing in my throat and listen to what my little Alfred needs to tell me.

"I needed to leave you Arthur, I didn't want to but I wanted to be your equal, not your little brother, I wanted to stay by your side as your hero, be the only one you depended on because.. be... because I Love you Arthur..." Alfred looked down at his hands, blush inevitable on his pale face, looking up at me with tears in his eyes waiting for my reply.

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