Chapter three

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Chapter 3

Arthur's POV

Damn, today is the day of the world meeting, why did it have to be today of all days, I woke up late today, I must have turned of my alarm last night. I made my way out of bed and trudge down the stairs to make myslef a cup of tea. "Well Arthur. I guess today is the day that you need to set him straight, you need to tell him the truth." I was supposed to be heading to the meeting in 15 mintues so that I would not be late, but I could not make myself move at the rate in which I needed to, especially today!                                                                                                                                                   July 4th I have hated this day for centuries; the fireworks, the celebrating and the obnoxious country to go with it, not giving a damn about my feelings; just doing whatever the hell he pleases. Not any more, I am going to show him who is in charge here, today for sure...                                                                                                                                                        I am late for the meeting now, but I don't care, it gives me more time to prepare what I am going to say to America when I walk into the meeting room, I bet he will be running around singing happy birthday to himself or something.

Alfred's POV

Arthur is late for the meeting, I mean he is normally early for crying out loud, the meeting started 5 minutes ago. He better not be avoiding me the ass! Why the hell is he not here? "Bastard!" I shouted out loud, frustrated, just to get shouted at by Germany, " America if you have something to saythen raise your hand." I look up to find all of the other countries staring at me, some with the look of sympathy while others just look annoyed, I look back at my hands, "Sorry, Germany." I say to everyone's surprise as I just sit there then, not speaking. "Gomenasai, but does anyone know where England-Kun is?" Japan aksed with a slight worried tone in his voice. "No, he is probably hung over again, like he normally is at this time of year." That was China, Bastard he has not right to dis MY Arthur like that; I send a glare his way causing him to shut up instantly. France must have noticed my frown " Alfred? Did something happen between you and Arthur?" I can feel the blush spreading across my face so keep looking at my hands hoping that no one notices. "No, I don't think so anyway..." France looks at me sceptically, robably confused by my lack of enthusiasm. "Daijoubu, America-Kun? you seem down today." I was relieved that Japan changed the subject because it looked like France was going to question me more. "Ah, yea I am okay, Thanks Japan," I sighen, still no sign of Arthur as I look towards the door of the conference room.

30Minutes into the meeting the door to the conference room opens and my moods lifts slightly as I see Arthur step through the door, but then drops just as suddenly as I see he has huge black bags under his eyes and he is dishevelled,his shirt is untucked, tie hanging loosely around his neck and his hair is messier then normal. Fuck, he looks hot like that I mean God... I just want to drag him back out of that door and... No Alfred stop it! As Arthur sits down at the table, there is a growing tension in the room. I mean everyone is probably wondering why he is here on the day that he hates most inthe year. I look around the conference table and notice that all of the other countries are looking concerned but nervous, none of them want to talk to the Brit in case he is in a bad mood. "Arthur, Are you okay? if you were feeling this bad you could have stayed at home." I told Arthur because I felt bad for asking him to answer me today, I mean how selfish could I be. I was rewarded with a small smile, the kind that melted my heart and broke it as the same time. "I am fine Alfred and besides I made a promise that I would attend today. A gentleman always keeps his promises." With that Arthur starts to takes notes on the speaker, at this time is Italy, trying to solve the worlds problems with pasta again! I feel even worse the I did before; now I know England's state is all my fault, I look down at my hands and think about how I can fix this.                                                                                                    However, during the remainder of the meeting I cannot help but sneak glances at Arthur, I mean the dishevelled look is seriously Hot! As I look up I see France smirking to himself and moving his chair closer to Arthur, all of the other countries notice this and stop; even I taly stops his plan about pasta and watches."Ah, Arthur. How lovely you look today, too bad your looks do not help your cooking... Hmmmmm" The entire room freezes. You fucking bastard how dare he say that to MY Artie, he is going to pay for that!! "Oh Yes, that is a shame is it not, France. I will have to try and work on that." OMG the look on France's face when Artie replies was hilarious, I mean if he was hoping to get insulted he was mistaken. Arthur just sat there and went back to noting things down in his book. Everyone else in the room was just as shocked with the lack or retaliation from the Brit, except me because at that moment Arthur looked up across the table at me and gave me a small smile, so I winked at him and gave him a small thumbs up. He blushed at that and started to speak to me. During the meeting I might add.

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