Pain and Memories

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Edited 1/8/18

There were men in the Mess Hall with ski masks on with automatic weapons in their hands. Everyone was on the ground with there hands above their heads. K-unit came in and was told to do the same as there comrades except for Alex.

"Bring the boy to me." The leader of the group pointed to Alex and was brought roughly to the man. Alex did not struggle as he was standing in front of the man.

'What do you want." Alex said angrily. He was wondering why now was he being targeted. He has done nothing for a year.

"Now now Alex we don't want anyone to get hurt?" Alex's fist was clenching with his anger. "All I want is to have the payback from more than a year ago. Scorpia sent me to kill you." The K-unit was not happy to hear that. There were about three men in the room. Including the leader.

"Yea you guys always want to kill me. Only send three men. I think this is going to be easy." Alex smiled and kicked the guy's gun out of his hand. The other units went after the other two guys. The men in front if Alex was all his. Alex punched him in the gut but won't fall or anything. The man pulled out a big hunting knife and tried to cut Alex which did not work out. Alex finally found his soft spot and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. The other units got the other guys wrapped up and out cold. Two other guys from one of the units went over and tied the man's hands. There was something wrong and Alex knew it. It was too easy to defeat these guys.

"Alex, you okay? Your bleeding. He must have cut you." Snake was by him looking at his arm when he heard a gun fire. He fell to the ground with his leg hurting and blood dripping out of the wound.

"Alex!" Wolf yelled out. Alex was looking at the man who shot him. It was the leader. He had gotten out of the rope. He was trained by Scorpia like he was. He had an evil smile on.

"That's for my sister. Julia Rothman." A SAS soldier knocked the guy out and tied his hands twice and took the gun away from him. Alex was on the ground with Snake putting pressure on his leg. Alex did not feel any pain from the bullet. He was just surprised it happens. Several guys surrounded Alex. Even Leo helps lift Alex up so he was in a sitting position.

"Cub. Keep your eyes open till we can get you patch up." Snake saw Alex's eyes were closing and he was getting pale. Snake looked to Wolf. "We need to talk about something to keep his mind going." Wolf nodded and started talking about random things which keep Alex attention.

"So Alex. Hows that housekeeper of your." Alex felt pain in his heart as he remembered what happened to Jackie. "What's her name, Jack." Wolf then saw the hurt in his eyes.

"Yea. Her name was Jackie. She umm." Alex did not want to continue the conversation. They finally got the bleeding to stop and carried him to the infirmary. They sat him on the metal table in the operating room. Only the k-unit was allowed in there with Alex.

"Let me help." Leo was standing at the door. "I was a doctor until I joined SAS." Snake could not say no. He needs help.

"Alex. We are going to put you to sleep." Leo grabbed the gas mask.

"NO! Please just let me stay awake." Alex was scared to go to sleep cause he would have to see Jackie death all over again. No one really knew about his nightmares.

"Alex. We don't have anything to numb the pain." Snake did not want him to die of pain or even faint.

"I didn't feel the bullet hit my leg. It didn't hurt." Snake nodded at Leo to put the mask away. Snake was thinking that if he wanted to not go to sleep than he was fine with that.

"Fine. If you start feeling any pain at all then your going to go to sleep." Alex nodded. The bullet was above the knee around the middle of his thigh. Snake started to cut around where the wound was.There was a lot of blood so they had to grab some alcohol and wipe all the blood away and clean the area. Alex could feel the pain but he used to the pain. It no worse than the mental pain he went through. 

"You doing okay Cub?" Leo asked Alex. He cared for once cause he maybe saved his life and earned his respect.

"Yea. I'm fine. Just hard not to think about what happens down there." There were only two people in the room working on Alex. Leo and Snake and there was Alex on the table.

"We can get someone in here so you can talk to them." Alex thought that might be a good idea till he could feel the bullet being pulled out of his leg. He felt the pain but tried not to move.

"No. Why are you wanting to help me? I thought you hate me." Alex thought about the time in the Mess hall and then him beating him up.

"No. I just didn't trust you. The way you acted in the Mess Hall. I figured I owed you for saving our life's." Alex nodded and felt Snake sewing up his leg. It hurt but still not bad.

"That's me for. I always got hurt on missions. If I was hurt really bad I still would help anyone. I had huge surgery and I save someone's son next to me. I was kidnapped and was almost burned alive." Alex did not know why he was telling all this to him. It just he had to hold it in for so long. Snake was almost done but he was wondering if he was talking about the sniper wound. Alex winced as Snake finished.

"Done. You must have some pain tolerance." They helped Alex up and into the bed in the other room. Alex made sure that he did not rip the stitches in his leg. They sat him down on the bed. There was a bandage on his leg. "So. No physical activity for about a week."

"Snake you know I can't do that," Alex said. He really could not stand being in the bed right there.

"You're going to have too. Now by physical activities, I mean running and stuff like that. Now for one day, you have to be here then the rest of the time you can walk around and just but be careful." Alex rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Tomorrow morning I am getting out of this bed." They all laugh including Alex but he was a small one.

"Get some rest and are we still doing the watching over Alex." Snake looked to Wolf. 

"I say so. Those guys could be after him again. They have quite a few guards watching them but they could escape." Alex agreed. When he was trained by Scorpia they taught him how to get out of cuffs and many other things. One that Alex could never do was kill someone. "I will do the first watch and Alex you get some sleep." Alex nodded even though he probably couldn't cause all the nightmares. They all left the room but Wolf and Alex.

"Can I tell you something, Wolf?" Alex didn't know if he should tell him about Jackie but it might as well be a good time too.

"Sure Cub. What is it?" Alex was biting his lip. He debated and decided that he was going to tell him.

"Jackie died about a year ago." He could feel tears starting to fall. "On my last mission I had we went to Cairo and it was a trap set up by Scorpia." He took a breath and continued. "They kidnapped me and Jackie. They made her escape and she got into a car. They were trying to torture me with emotions. Then they blew up the car she was in. A person with my face did it and I killed. Wolf, I killed him and Jackie!" He started to cry more. Wolf went over to him and gave him a hug. Wolf knew he been through a lot but not that much. He cursed MI6 in his head over and over while Alex was crying. Alex had been holding in all of this for a year.

"Let it out Cub. You're safe. It's not your fault." The one thing they did not know was that most of the units and the rest of the k-unit was outside listening. They all knew why Alex was the way he was. On the outside, he was hiding all of his emotions but on the inside, he was a kid wanting to be normal. The groups left after a while and Alex finally got good nights sleep without nightmares.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Super long chapter. Hope you like it and don't forget to vote and comment. If something needs to be edited the storyline let me know. 

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