Bye bye U.S hello Genovia

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Today is moving day. All my dresses and shoes and other things are in moving boxes. "Your going to love Genovia said my Aunt Maddline "You're going to Genovian Prep, we're going to have a birthday ball in your honor. Plus you get to meet your cousins,and all the children of the Genovian Royals are going to be there. Maybe I'll actually like it there. "So which palace are we going to live in?" I asked. "The Genovian Royal Palace she says. "Really. I saw'll a picture of it,and it's HUGE!!!" "Now it's a great place for a Princess should live." said my aunt. "That's everything. Now we need to put them in the limo and we're off!" said my Aunt Lucy. Bing Dong ,"I got it!" I tell them." Hi!!!! You think you would leave without saying goodbye did you?" Said Lacy "No of course not!" I say. "Oh .I 'm going to miss you." I said. "Me to". said Lacy. "Well we're off"sai my Aunt Maddline. So we put all the boxes in the limo,got in the car and drive off.
We finally got to the airport,and high security was with us all the way to boarding. "Your Highness. Please take your seat,and we will be off soon." on servant said. "Thank you. I said. I'm riding in Genovia Air 1,and it's wonderful TV,a small little bar,and movies. It getting late so I sit down and go to sleep.

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