Peace and quiet

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Warnings: Bad language
Word count: 937

You had agreed to go to a house party with your best friend Saya. Yes you would love to spend some time with your best friend, but the only reason you agreed to go was because she told you that Marcus was coming as well.

You always enjoyed his company and the late night talks with him when he would sneak into your dorm, you and Marcus would sit side by side on your floor smoking blunts and talking shit about everyone in the school.
It would be no mistake to say that you had the biggest crush on him because, well, he's perfect to you in every way shape or form, you loved the way his eyes would sparkle in the moonlight and the lines near his mouth would crease when he smiled.

You sat down on the couch, drinking from a red solo cup that had god knows what in it, watching all the drunk and high people around you have their conversations while you just sat there wondering when Marcus would show up. You saw Saya among the crowd coming towards you.
A smile spread across your face at the sight of her short raven hair, you loved Saya with all your heart, she stuck with you throughout your entire shitty experience at Kings Dominion and you loved her for it.

"Hey stranger." She plopped down on the dark grey sofa, holding her very own red cup. "Hey Saya, do you know when Mr.Killer is gonna get here?" Saya smirked "Why do you care? Gotta crush?" She teased "Oh shut up you little shit, of course I don't have a crush on him."
"You sure about that, you're turning red." Saya continued to tease you about your crush on Marcus for a little while.

You were so deep in conversation with your best friend that you didn't realise that your favourite person had walked through the door with Billy. He'd been there for about 6 or 7 minutes, drinking whatever he could get his hands on. Marcus had noticed you 2 minutes in but hadn't approached you.

He didn't want to disturb your conversation, after a while or so he sank to the floor, cup in hand, and hallucinated about Rory, like he was being haunted by his ghost.  After a while, he decided that he would just go over to you and talk to you instead of sulking on the floor all night, so he started walking to where you were sat with Saya but something else caught his attention.

He heard Brandy talking her racist bullshit again and that just made a wave of anger wash over him like a tsunami, Marcus was already struggling enough with the knowledge that he had killed someone the other night with Willie. He was  already extremely irritable but Brandy just sent him over the edge. He stormed into the dining room and saw Brandy and her little friends all sat around the wooden table.

Saya had noticed him walk across the room, she had been assigned to watch over Marcus so she became curious to what he was going to do, "Hey um, y/n I'm gonna check up on Marcus." You didn't want to be left all alone in a room with people you don't even like so you stood up and asked "do you mind if I come with."
She just grabbed your hand and lead you toward the dining room.

"Hey Brandy" You heard Marcus shout, you and Saya came just in time to see him throw his drink in Brandy's face, "You bigoted piece of shit!" Saya quickly rushed into the room dragging Marcus away from the scene by the arms while Brandy was shouting insults at him, following him into the hallway while Saya was scolding him on being so fucking stupid to start the third argument of the night.

You froze for a little bit wondering what to do next, you decided to go talk to him, so you hurried down the hall and into the kitchen where Saya was standing alone, you looked toward the door seeing Marcus exit the house.

You turned to face Saya, "I'll be back, I'm just going go talk to him" She just nodded her head and said "Good luck" as she walked away. You headed out the door and saw Marcus walk towards 'your spot'. 'Your spot' was just the woods behind Shabnams house, you and Marcus would always sneak out of Kings and go to these woods and play truth or dare.

You were walking for a little bit until you spotted him, sitting on the amber leaves that had fallen to the ground, he was most likely spacing out again, he does that a lot.
You walked towards him sitting down beside him, so close that your knees were touching, you turned your head so you could look at him, "You okay there Marcus?" He nodded his head "I'm fine y/n" he answered coldly, "you sure" you rested your head on his shoulder closing your eyes enjoying his presence.

"Yeah, I've just had a lot going on, it's ever since I got here- this school, it's too much." You took his hand in yours and brung it to your lips kissing it gently, you opened your eyes to look up at him, but he was already looking down at you, that all too familiar gleam in his eyes. He leaned down, pressing his lips to your forehead and rested his cheek on top of your head. You both sat there, body's close and shivering in the chilly autumn air, enjoying each other's company in the peace and quiet of the night.

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