Chapter 4: Meetings

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Theoretically Shinobu knew that sooner or later he would meet the people he had known in his previous life. But nothing could prepare him for the sight of his deceased sensei.
He knew that Kakashi could be arrogant if he wanted to, but this chibi version took the cake, what a BRAT!

Minato had introduced the two, because he was of the opinion that geniuses should stick together and deep down he hoped it would help Kakashi with his superiority complex.
Before even giving his name Kakashi stated self assured "That squirt is that so called genius? He doesn't look like one to me!" That sentence left Shinobu reeling "And even if he is, he's just a civilian" dismissed the young shinobi the small five year old.

With narrowed eyes Shinobu took in Kakashi's frame and said in a sugar sweet voice "Is that what you think? ... Okay,..." and turned back to his book. In his head he was counting the seconds until Kakashi would respond to his remark. "... you are a strange one, ... don't you get it? I insulted you just now,..." "Hhm? Oh yeah I did, but the opinion of a third rate ninja doesn't really matter to me." Shinobu said in a slightly bored tone.

"Why, you... I'm a chunin !" "And?"

How could he forget about the traitorous snake? He was one of the key factors to the destruction of Konoha! Shinobu berated himself as he read the article about the Sannin and his new missing nin status.

His thoughts turned to two of Orochimaru's victims. Anko and Tenzou,...
He vowed that he would help those two.

On a Thursday morning stumbled over the shogi board of a Shikamaru double that was lying in the grass of Konoha's south east park. Nara Shikaku was 21 years at that time and was a carbon copy of his future son, with the exception of the scars that ran down his face.
Said scars looked pretty new, and with all the bandages on the jounin's body Shinobu concluded that he just came back from the frontline and was recovering until he was sent out again.

The relaxed shinobi watched the little boy that apologized for knocking down his board and then placed the pieces back into the start position.

As Shinobu finished the Nara clan heir asked him if he knew shogi, "only the basics" answered a suddenly shy 5 year old, and it was true, Sakura never really had an interest in the board game before, but now as Shinobu he would love to learn.

And so both shinobi and civilian genius found an unexpected shogi partner and spent a very relaxing afternoon in the park.

Shinobu made it a habit to accompany his new mother every second Sunday to the farmers market.

It gave him an excellent opportunity to further his image as a polite and honest but shy little genius and pick up the mood of the civilians. That he could spend some time with his new parent was also a bonus.
During one of these trips he picked up on the angry and nervous atmosphere in the market place.

He soon found the catalyst for the change in the otherwise cheerful atmosphere.
Little Anko sat on one of the park benches on the park side of the square and was eating dango while sending glares back to the vendors that were shooting them at her. She couldn't have been older than 8 or 9.
Even his kind mother narrowed her eyes for a second before she ushered him to the vegetable stand.

After taking in the whole picture he was thinking about how he could defuse the situation a little bit.

In a voice that carried slightly he asked his mother why everybody was glaring at that girl. After some hhming and harrumphing the vendor answered him "Because she is the student of that snake bastard Orochimaru!" his voice was very loud and so most of the attention was suddenly on Shinobu, his mother and the vendor.

With a searching gaze he looked at his mother and stated clearly "So if my sensei does something stupid, I'll get blamed? That sounds not very smart to me." And with a shrug he moved away from his shocked mother and the gapping vendor.

Two stands over he found a dango shop. With the little pocket money that he had started to receive as soon as he started to study at home Shinobu was able to buy four dango sticks.
Purposely he started to walk straight to the little purple haired girl that still sat on the bench.

Sitting down beside her he offered her one of the dango sticks and stated clearly so that everybody in the near surroundings could hear his introduction "Hello my name is Kyuusai Shinobu, it's nice to meet you, don't listen to the grownups, to make you re-spon-si-ble for you sensei's actions is just plain dumb!" he carefully pronounced the world responsible like children do when they have learned a new world.

Hesitant Anko took the offered Dango stick. After biting into the first ball she relaxed and the two were sitting the rest of the morning in comforting silence. It was only once interrupted by a quiet "Thank you,...".

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