Chapter 8-Dazed

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Six months. Thats how long Ive been sulking about my break up with Ethan. The endless voicemails Ive left him. Finding myself wondering to his apartment.

Ive experienced heartbreak before  but this one was just on a whole other level.Damn,even Danny misses him.I dont know what to tell my baby everytime she asks of her Uncle Ean's whereabouts.

I always promised myself that I would never  lie to my kids but I broke that promise .I told Danny that Ethan was on a very long vacation and he would come back after a long time. Even she knows that,that is far fetched but  if thats what will work for the moment,we will keep it as it is.

Danny and I moved into a small apartment and it was in bad shape,its temporary until I could get us a house in a nice neighbourhood outside of this city and be able to move on with my life in peace.

I miss him everyday and there isnt a moment that goes by without me thinking about what we had

.I miss his irresistable pearly white smile,his shining personality and his alluring honey brown eyes. Its as if I can still see him or hear him talk with his smooth voice.

It all still seems soo new to me,like this is a game or a dream,as if he could walk through my front door and tell me that it was all just a joke.

My friends keep telling me to focus on myself but how can I when the one I love is not with me.The one that left me without a second thought...

I sat in my new apartment with a tub of ice cream to help cool me down due to the heat wave currently happening. Danielle was out and about playing on her own.

My thoughts once again went to Ethan.Has he moved on and  found a new lover?Has he forgetten that I even existed?More importantly does he still love me?I sighed starring into the distance.Nothing in my life ever worked out.Except Danielle .My job wasnt any better but I had to make a income one way or another.

"Mama,Can we  go for a  walk?I want  play at the park"Danielle said tugging my shirt whilst looking at me with big puppy eyes. I sighed and gave her a nod which brought a huge smile on her face.

"Go put on your shoes baby and get a cap its hot out"I said getting up to prepare some things to take to the park with us.I packed a few snacks and a bottle of water.

By the time we had to leave the apartment Danielle was basically bouncing off the walls with excitement.

We began to walk with me holding her hand.My thoughts once again kept wondering and as we walked I found myself infront of Ethan's apartment building.What was I doing here. 

I looked up towards Ethan's apartment and suprisingly he is just the one I find standing on the balcony with a cigarette in  hand.

I continued to stare hoping he wouldnt notice but he didnt because someone else had already got his attention. A woman in nothing but a overly large white tshirt walked out onto the balcony and hugged Ethan from behind.How could he move on so fast.

Tears began to fill my eyes and I continued walking tugging Danny along. We finally reached the park a few blocks away from Ethan's place.

I sat down on a bench and Danny ran off to play.Chugging down a bottle of water my memories began to flood with him more especially the day we met

《Being a mom to a 8 month baby wasnt easy more especially having to do it alone because her father was an asshole and I decided I couldnt take being in a relationship with him anymore.

I had just recently gotten the promotion to head nurse but I was beyond exhausted. Danny liked to keep me up late and at times I'd have the earliest shift so her keeping me up was no joke.

I yawn for the upteenth time at the front desk.It was only the second hour of my shift but I couldnt take this any longer.

I was fatigued and emotional after an incident when I had taken Danny for her weekend visits with her father,I walked in on him doing the deed with another woman but thats not my business.

Just as I thought I could have some time to myself ,the Paramedics rushed in with a male patient.

"Nurse we have another one "The paramedics said "Not another drunk case this week please"I mumbled to myself rolling my eyes .I called over my team and we rushed toward the patient.

"Gimme the stats"I said speedwalking alongside the paramedics.

"26 -year-old male ,tried jumping of a roof into a swimming pool while highly intoxicated.Injuries are:Broken left arm,Fractured hip bone and possibly a broken rib"The paramedic said.

"Nurse Aya go get me Dr Govern and the rest of you come with me "I said looking at the goodlooking male who laid on the stretcher his eyes fluttering open and close until his eyes fully opened and stared directly at me .

A  weak smirk then formed on his lips"Is this heaven because I think I have met an angel"He said with a weak rough voice.I rolled my eyes as we continued taking hin to the Operation Room ,a small smile playing on my lips 》

Thats how I met Ethan and how life with him had been so different after that day we met.

Although how we met was not ideal it was still the best thing that ever happened to me.I remember how he hit on me for the whole duration of him being in the hospital until I finally gave in and agreed to go on a date with him and we all know what happened after that...I fell deep for him.

The memories were never going to leave. The feelings I felt still burned deep in my heart even just the thought of him gave me the slightest of happiness and that what happens when your in love...

Oh me ohh my...
How does Tayla come of to you?I mean does she seem a little desperate for Ethan or is she just heartbroken?

Whose your Favourite artist,Girlband,Boyband?Mines Tommorow×Together and Bts✌💜

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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