❥︎ Once in a lifetime ❥︎

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I walked across the room and picked up my phone. 1:32 the time blared across my screen.



I heard chatter from outside my door, and soon enough there was a light knocking. Louis. I could tell his knock in a sea of a thousand.



I took the five steps to my door, and place my hand on the silver knob. Twisting it, I pulled my door open to reveal the definition of beauty.



My breath quickend at the sight. He was wearing the boyfriend jacket, and a pair of black skinnies.



I calmed my breathing and moved out of the way so he could step in.

"You look beautiful love," he told me. I blushed and looked away.

Breath harry I told myself. Alright, let's do this.

"Ready to go boys?" I heard Liam yell from the hall

I could feel Louis breath on my neck as he leaned in to whisper in my ear.
"Come on babe. You got this."

Soon enough the sound of feet pounding down the hallway came from the other side of the door, Niall, and slower steps followed, Zayn. I felt the bed go up beside me and a hand was presented infront of me. I took Louis' hand and we left the room.


As we approached the lobby doors, a member of our team came up to us. "Alright boys, Liam, Niall, and Harry in one car, Louis and Zayn in the other."

I looked at Louis and gave him a pleading look, I just needed two more minutes with him. He saw me and turned to the man, "Um can I go with harry?"

"Louis" the man, I believe his name is Joe, gave Louis the look, the one that tells you we've been over this before, it's not gonna change, do what I say or else, and also the I think your an awful person who life decisions are wrong and disgusting. Even though it's not a choice! But anyway we're used to it.

"This is bullshit. I should be allowed to sit in a car with my fucking boyfriend if I so please. We're seriously taking two whole ass limos for five people. We could literally all go in the same one but you just have to split us up just so harry and I aren't in the same car?!?! The other boys would literally be there too!"

"Lou, it's fine."

"No Haz, it's not! These people think they can have complete control over our lives, they make us go to these stupid interviews where we have to talk about the girls we aren't actually dating, we have to add female pronouns in every song we write about eachother, we aren't even aloud to sit beside eachother in the interviews, and they can't even let us sit in the same car for 5 minutes, with all the boys might I remind you. This is fucked, all of you," Louis jestured to everyone on our team that was visible, "are fucked. Let's go boys." He grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the first limo. The other three boys got in with us and we started driving.

We pulled up to a red light and I got up to go sit on Louis' lap. My legs where a bit lanky for it but I didn't mind. Louis didn't seem to either.

"Thank you Lou," I whispered in his ear. "I love you."

"'course Haz, I love you too baby."

We pretty much just snuggled the rest of the way there, as I tried to soak up as much comfort as possible.

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