Meting the princes of hell

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it was another day in hell it's been a while since I meet cherry and became friends we got along just well, I help her around fights we also hang out when its peaceful well as it can here in hell but right now in looking for some well-made katanas as i already have many weapons in the spare room in my house from guns to bombs I been collecting and learning how to use them so I can summon them when I am in battle , since I don't use my blood manipulation skill although I learn how to control it and it's quite strong it's more like a last minute move so I only use strength therefore I'm searching for a katana right know since the one I had broke in my last fight I already visit 5 different weapons shops today , although they did had  katana  not one of them were interesting , right know I'm in the last weapon store if there isn't anything here than I'm just gonna go to a bar  and order something to drink since I'm kinda tired and I feel like getting wasted but anyway there are some good weapons here there are swords, bomb ,guns and more as I looked around I decided to buy three sets of bullets since I will need them for my normal gun luckily my angelic gun didn't need bullets since it made its own out of nowhere like were thus it come from???.

It's been a while now I looked around if there is some new weapons I can tried when I came in this section were they sell fricking scythes !! I found one that looks good the handle a gold color there is a skull on top also the blade looks like it's made out of diamond it was a purple pink color it was really pretty so I decided to buy it after that I went down the road and search for a bar or something similar, as I was searching for a bar a car suddenly came out of nowhere almost running on top of me luckily I managed to avoid it although I ended falling on my behind as I was about to stand up a hand was offered to me I looked up and someone that I didn't expect to see stood there in front of me. the princes of hell herself "are you okay I saw what happened earlier here let me help you" hearing her voice snapped me out of my thoughts " huh,Ooo thanks and I'm quite alright " responded to her I still was shook of meeting her today thus this means the show is starting soon "that good you're not injured anyway my name is Charlotte magne even though you may already know since knowing who my father is anyways what your name"she asked "my name is angel dust is nice to meet you Charlotte" I responded          C: "you can call me Charlie umm can I ask you a question if you don't mind"
AD:  " sure go ahead I don't mind"
As I said that she became really excited that you can literally see sparkle and rainbow around her, as she asked -
C: " really okay well I am opening a hotel were demons can get redeemed for there sins and I was wondering if you wanted to be our first clients to tried it out "
AD: mmmm so I am in the part we're she ask angel to join- "I will think about it put I will advise you to not get your hopes up"
C: "really thanks and that's okay here this is the number of the hotel you can call when you have an answer I have to go now since my girlfriend is probably waiting for me again thank you have a good day miss" she waved
AD: " farewell dear until we meet again" I said as I walked away the idea of  getting wasted long forgotten as I walked home once I got there I made dinner and ate I got ready for bed but then I suddenly remember what Charlie called me . She called me MISS!!!  I mean I was a woman and I know angel looked like one but still in the original show they knew angel was a man but how come they don't know that now or was it because he was a porn star . Ooo yea that must be it and since I'm not one they don't know who I am and probably nobody knows oh well I will worry about that tomorrow I will go to sleep know .

Finally finished another chapter with 773 words
Also the picture above is how her scythe looks like just a gold handle and purple pink color also the picture is not mine credits to the owner and with that being said bye and I hope you liked this chapter

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