Where am i ???

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Emma POV                                                                                   Where am I ?? The last thing I remember was walking down the street with my family when a guy just come out of nowhere and tried to stab my little brother. I remember jumping in fronted him and taking the hit instead then everything started going black with the shout of my families becoming more distant the next thing I know I was in this black space kinda like a void every were I look is just black .You know this remains of those isekai
Stories I read about before all this happened.                                 🖤time skip ❤️                                                   It's been so long since I was here. You see I was just a normal high school girl named Emma heart before all this happened in school my grades were average I was not a genius or anything like that .                      I liked cooking ,reading fantasy books,anime,and gaming. I didn't have to many friends because I just started school about three day before this happened even so I don't think there are any students who will be friends with me since I'm kinda just stay at the back of the class not participating in any school activities .                                                                  Peoples think I'm weird since I never show any emotion and because I always get in fights. One time the fight I was participating in got to far that I broke the guys bones there were at least four or so that were hospitalized other end up with injuries . I mean it was expected since my strength is far stronger than average human I don't know how but it is. I have two sisters,three brothers and two amazing parents we were a happy family but know I'm stuck here i don't know if I will see them again.                   ♌️♈️♑️♉️♎️♓️♏️♊️♋️♐️.          The picture on top is how she looks like .pictures not me bye 👋

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