Hard Exterior (Platonic Mantis Lords)

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The clanging of nail on nail filled the Mantis arena, indicating the usual sparring session the sisters would partake in daily. I, for one, couldn't understand where they got all of that energy from.

Once in a while, I would join them and gain a new set of skills but keeping up with them over and over was a difficult task. Each Mantis had her own awesome way to take down a foe, but it really came together when a new challenger would visit.

First was Irena, the eldest sibling who confidently fought their opponent solo. Usually her speed would catch new challengers off gaurd and she would defeat them rather quickly. This came into contrast with her personality outside of battle, because despite her formal composure and quick wit she really can't take a compliment without stumbling in embarrassment.

Still, she did her best to improve her social skills, but it was still difficult for her not to get flustered.

Then there was Marla, the middle child. Though she was strong, her bubbly personality made it very hard to remember that. Being as bright and happy as she was, she always made it her mission to keep the atmosphere positive. Her energy was always so warm but she did need to ease up on the personal space once in a while, as she did often baby her sisters and myself.

And of course, last but not least, Sabine was a warrior through and through. She was the hardest to connect with because her whole demeanour is silent and dangerous. There was always some looming cloud over her that would ward off many different bugs in hallownest, but she was a good listener and actually a lot friendlier than initially expected.

I entered the arena, cup of water in hand as I waited for the fighting to come to an end. This became a common routine throughout the weeks of living amongst them and I found them warming up to me just as quickly as I for them.

"You look like your losing your footing a bit there, Irena!" Mocked Marla as she lunged towards the adressed mantis.

Irena growled lowly in response before slashing her nail over Marlas and blocking the attack. It seemed that this was the final fight, as proven when Sabine casually approached and took her place beside me in silence.

I never attempted to start conversation with her, as she often found herself unable to respond verbally. So I usually kept things more simple with yes or no questions.

"Those two are really going at it, huh?" I spoke up, quickly glancing towards her and picking up on her subtle nod.

The metal on metal did not cease and the two females were running out of breath. It looked rough and neither of them were putting their nail down. Both would keep attempting to attack once more, only doing so in a very ineffective and exhausted manner.



"Tie!" The two mutually agreed, dropping their arms limply and keeping grasp of their weapons.

It took a moment but they managed to process that I was there and watching their fight. The two quickly made their way over to greet me.

"Hey, Y/n! We thought you'd still be asleep!" Spoke Marla, moving her arms over my shoulders and hugging me to her chest.

"Yeah well, who could sleep with constant clanging making the walls vibrate?" I loudly groaned.

Sabine nodded in agreement, seemingly not on board with her sisters fights either. It made sense, as she had been less and less involved with the sparring due to how late they were beginning to get.

Both sisters released an awkward laugh, rubbing the back of their necks shyly before slowly walking towards the door.

"Sorry for keeping you two up. We just got a little competitive..." explained the eldest, rocking her hand back and forth in emphasis.

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