Chapter 1 - Intro

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My name is Susie Mills and I woke up late, later than I have ever woken up, on an ordinary day of my life in the same beautiful, gigantic, incredible, astonishing family tree house, that was deep, deep, deep in an enormous, wild-nature, charming forest, that no one has ever discovered. Typically, the absolute first thing I do every day, no matter how drowsy I might be or what time it is, is that I go to my special, unusual, fabulous, unique underground hiding place that no one knows about except my father, who is my only family left, as the rest of my family have been killed by someone. Unfortunately, the police didn't find out who it was. Although it had happened a long time ago, I am still upset about it today, as it happened when I was half the age now, which is 7 years ago as I am 14 years old now. Even though my mother used to really upset me and abuse me, I still misses her, as she was my mother, even if she did hurt me and my feelings and I never knew why and I won't be able to find out anymore either, as she isn't with me anymore. However, every time I am in the beautiful forest, I feel really happy, as I love the magnificent nature and magical wildlife (including the one-time only astonishing sunsets) so much, that it calms me down and make me stop being depressed and feeling isolated and dreadful.

Nevertheless, what can I see, hear, smell, taste and feel? During being in the magical forest, I can hear: so I hear the birds' incredible voices, as they sing magnificently and as the wind carries the voices it is a pleasure to hear, the wind wiser-ling smoothly, leaves moving against each other in the blowing wind. Moreover, I can hear: twigs and sticks cracking as if someone would be stepping on them, animals moving and the noises that they are making are incredible, the quietness compared to being at school at the end of the last lesson, as it's extraordinarily loud then, the woodpecker pecking into the unexpected wood and into the tall, marvellous trees and many, many more. Whilst I can hear things, I can see: the trees swaying slowing in the wind, extraordinary leaves just everywhere, there's even dirty mud and green grass, lovely mushrooms; that you don't see everywhere. Additionally, I can see my enormous tree house up high in the trees and in the huge trunk there's a hole just and only big enough for a human being's body with a secret place to go, but it isn't easily seen, the most beautiful flowers that she has ever seen, green bushes and much more. Daily, I can smell: the animals' waste, the strong mushrooms, woods or twigs that may burn with the burning, grey, heavy smoke, if there is a fire and the smoke from them she can smell it very well. Besides, I can smell old woods and trees, as they have an aroma that ordinary people can smell, the pollution from flowers, as you step on a twig or a leaf you can smell this scent from it and it stays with you for a while. In the middle of the forest, I can taste: the strong aroma from the mushrooms, insects that may fly into your mouth, the pollution from only flowers you will see in a lifetime that bees / wasps / butterflies have collected, the green fresh grass and many more. Lastly, some of the feels that I can feel or touch are: the huge tree trunk, as it's rough, bumpy, lumpy, hard woods etc. As well as that, I can feel: the smooth and silky heads from the mushrooms, the leaves being some rough and some smooth, the wood that has built the unseen tree house, animal's fur (smooth, fluffy, soft, spiky, pointy, rough, hard, shiny shell and more), insects, the breeze that's coming from one side to the other, the warmth from the golden sun shining, even though the trees may block some warmth and many more.


Author's note: I'm sorry if this is short, but I am working on it, so by certain minutes each chapter may be longer, so I'm sorry about this. Thank you for taking the time to read this, take care and enjoy reading.

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