Chapter 1 - Part 3

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Whilst I was deep in sleep, I had an unforgettable dream, like every day, as each dream is about what I will or might make in the morning or whenever I can and how to make it and today it was about making paper beads, which will make a superb bracelet or necklace, whether it would be for myself or for someone else. By means of I knew that I would have less time to make something special, I tried my very best to get to my hide out really quickly, as I wanted to do something that really quickly, as I wanted to do something that I love, that could cheer me up and wake me up before I go to school and do hard work. However, I still wanted to look carefully at the glorious nature and wildlife I could see, so I decided to do a gentle jog, so that I could get quicker to do hide out, but still to take in the fantastic wildlife and nature. To be honest, I did see quite a lot of it, even if it was a bit gloomy, as it was around 07:00am. Normally, I wake up around 06:30am and if that may seem to be early to go to school, which starts at 08:35am. On the other hand, I believe that, it is the precise amount of time that I need (to get something imaginative started, arts and crafts) and get ready for school, which does work effectively. While, being in the deep forest I saw: Plants and flowers – including trees -that were so gorgeous that you couldn't stop looking at them, no matter what, unique, remarkable birds, that I don not the names of, which is such a dishonour.

By the time I got to my hideout I was out of breath, but luckily I could still breath,so before I climbed down the tree trunk, I took deep breaths – in through the nose, out through the mouth and so on – until I got by breath back. As soon as I got my breath back, I made sure no one was around and then I unhide my secret door and I started to slowly go down the ladder, closing the door behind me with a lamp in my hand, to guide me into the deep hideout. Within a few minutes I reached the ground and I walked around smoothly, but quickly, so that I would get more time for the making, and I gathered my materials and equipment that I needed. This took me some time, because the room, well a storage room, was huge with lots of equipment, so I had to try to find what I needed in order for me to make my beads out of paper, which you may think is a unwise idea, but I believe it's a groovy idea and also it's quite dark down here too, so I had to be very careful where I went. But in the end I gathered everything I needed, so I headed for the ladder up and out of my storeroom, but as I reached the top of the ladder I peeked through the hole that I made, to make sure no one was around, and no one was, so I quietly, but quickly opened the creaky, brown,wooden door. After I got out I closed it behind me and I covered it up, so no one would see it. Just in case I looked slowly, carefully around to double check no one was around and tropically no one was, so I was safe. So then I unhurriedly climbed up the extended, strong, thick steps of the ladder until I reached my tree house area and I pushed open my door gently that was made from bamboo sticks, which looks decent (in my opinion of course). And as I open the door I could smell the scent that I always smell and it's a smell of my family,friends, nature, wildlife and crafts, which I adore, as I haven't smelt that scent anywhere but here, so it is a relief.


Author's note: I'm sorry if this is short, but I am working on it, so by certain amounts of time each chapter may be longer, so I'm sorry about this. Thank you for taking the time to read this, take care and enjoy reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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