A Sketchy Salesman

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You had learned quickly that a Lightner in a place like this was far from safe. Many monsters had attempted to attack you, and you now had enough bruises across your arms as proof. 

But that's why you now had a hoodie and gloves on top of wearing full length pants and a scarf.

Yeah, if you had known you would be safe by just covering most of your features in fabric earlier, you... would have saved yourself a lot of injuries. But there was no time to dwell on the past now. You nuzzled your face into your favorite scarf, one of your only possesions from home. It still smelled faintly of your home outside of the Dark World, but it was definitely beginning to lose that cozy scent as the smells of the Cyber World began to take over it. 

Plus, you had bought a home here now, as you had no way or clue how to get home from here. Which was why you had been here for probably about a couple weeks now.

You sighed, looking around at the nearby stores. You really didn't care for this area of the city... Heck, even the civilians kindly warned you to watch your step in here. But you were desperate for new shoes, as these ones were squeezing your feet with every step, something you never would of realized without experiencing the insane amount of walking you now did in the Dark World. 

"Hello there!" called a pink Addison. You glanced at them and they smiled, waving you over enthusiastically. "Yes, you! Come on over, don't be shy!" You wandered over to them, warily. While the Darkners had been kind to you, that was only when they couldn't tell that you were a Lightner. "I can see you're in need of some new shoes, am I right?" they asked.

Your eyes lit up. "Wha-? Yeah, how did you know?"

They smiled pleasantly, chuckling softly for a brief moment. "I specialize in the clothing department, and I can tell your feet could be having better days." They put a hand to their cheek and tilted their head into it slightly with a sigh. "Don't get me wrong, those shoes look lovely on you, but they are very..." The Addison trailed off, frowning. "... Very much not the right size."

You looked down at your feet, shifting on them in testing. "Yeah, I... didn't really think it through when I bought them, I suppose," you admitted.

"Now, I don't usually do this, but call me considerate," they continued, having turned their back to you as they dug through some boxes they had stacked against the shop. They pulled out a few shoes, squinting at them, then mumbling something under their breath. 

Finally, they let out a faint 'aha' and turned to face you again. The shoes they held now were somewhat similar to your current ones, but a different color and definitely a different brand. "Try these on, my dear," Addison encouraged, holding the shoes out to you.

Pulling off your old shoes, you slipped your feet into the new ones. Surprise came over your face. "Oh... Oh!! These are way better!" you exclaimed, walking around the area a little as the Addison beamed proudly at you.

They clasped their pink hands together in delight. "Splendid! And just because I cannot stand seeing you wear a few sizes too small shoes, I'm giving you a discount!" they announced. "Of 50% off! Just for you!"

Your face lit up. "You're joking," you said.

They laughed and shook their head. "No, no, I am quite serious! They look great on you, and these other shoes of yours are just too painful to watch you wear! Please do buy them!"

You smiled, coming over to the Addison. "In that case... thanks." You gave them the amount of dark dollars they had asked for.

"Of course!" they replied, seeming quite proud of themselves. "If you don't mind, can I take your old shoes? I figure we could get them all cleaned up and sell them to someone with a smaller foot size."

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