The Change

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Bob suddenly woke up, clutching his cube plushie. He had a nightmare. Every time this happened, he would find Bosip in his room. It didn't matter if he was asleep or awake, Bob would cuddle up next to him and sleep with him, because that's what best friends do for each other.

He went to do the same thing again, groping around in the dark until he found Bosip's room. He opened it to find no one there. This was bad. Bosip was always in his room, unless he was in another game. Bob searched the entire house, calling Bosip's name as he went. It was past midnight, but he didn't care. Bosip's safety was more important.

Just as he was about to give up searching, he decided to check in Bosip's closet. As he opened the door, he fell in and landed in a strange place. It was semi dark, and so big, he couldn't see the end of the place. There were many crystal clear pillars, and each one had someone inside. Most of them were people Bob didn't recognize, but some were familiar, like Tails and Knuckles from the Sonic franchise, and even Sonic himself.

(Basically, he's in the place where Endless is sung in the Sonic.exe mod of Friday Night Funkin'. Majin Sonic managed to trap themself in their own dimension somehow.)

It was very spooky and Bob was extremely scared, until he saw someone familiar in the distance. He ran towards him, but stopped when he saw him twitching violently.

"B- Bosip? Is th- that you...?"

He answered Bob, back turned the whole time.

"Yeah, of course it is! Who else would it be?" His voice sounded the same, but it also sounded way too hyper and excited.

Bob, being way too dumb too realize how much danger he could be in, sighed in relief. "Good, I thought something was wrong since I didn't see you in bed. Is it ok if I sleep in bed with you?"

Bosip laughed. It was super unsettling, the type that would give you chills hearing it. "Why such a party pooper? Wouldn't you rather have some fun?"

"Fun?" Bob was confused. "It's midnight. You're always so insistent on making us go to sleep way before midnight."

Bosip turned around and tossed a microphone in Bob's face in one swift move. Bosip looked the same, except his eyes were glowing yellow and leaking out of their sockets. His mouth was yellow, too, kind of like how Bob's mouth is blue, but Bosip's mouth is glowing, too.

"Who friggin' cares? Let's crank some 90's!"

They started singing Endless together. Bob was deeply unsettled that Bosip was acting so different, but he liked it. Bob won the rap battle (he's on the right side, and the right side wins no matter what).

"That was easy!" Bob said in celebration.

"That was intense as heck. You got lucky this time, hottie."

Bob paused mid-celebration. "Hottie?"

"Yeah, you're super hot and I like you. Like like you."

"Yeah, I like you too, and I know I'm hot, but what do you mean?"

Bosip sighed. "You truly are an idiot, aren't you?" He laughed. His laugh was slightly distorted, and it sounded way creepier than the last one. When he spoke, his voice was also distorted. "I love you, and I want to be your boyfriend. I thought I was being super obvious."

Bosip started to go on a huge rant before getting interrupted.

"I friggin love you, too!"

Bosip's eyes glowed more intensely. "That was easy."

"Let's go somewhere to celebrate! I know a place that's super fun."

"Let's do it! Can't wait to party with my new boyfriend!"

They ran through the strange place that was this dimension, yelling all the way. It seemed to have taken an instant to get there. They made it to the fun place, which was a clubhouse that had a giant dance floor and everything. Bob turned back to find that the dimension they were in mysteriously disappeared and Bosip on the floor.

"Bosip? What's wrong? Don't you want to party?" Bob asked.

Bosip got up. "Bob, it's way too late to be partying."

"But you just said that you wanted to party with your new boyfriend."

Bosip's eyes widened. "Boyfriend?"

"You said that you love me and we became boyfriends a few minutes ago."

"Strange. I don't remember that. The last thing I remember is opening my closet door to put my pajamas on, and the next thing I know, I'm here- OH FRIG, WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!"

Bosip had seen his reflection in the mirrors inside of the clubhouse. His eyes and mouth were still glowing, and they flared when he saw himself like this. His voice was also distorted, and when he realized that, he freaked out even more.

"It's a long story. I'll explain everything on the way home." Bob said. He was still trying to wrap his head around the whole thing himself.

Bosip quickly calmed down and agreed.

So they walked home. Together, they reached the conclusion that Bosip got changed by the weird dimension in his closet. Bob wasn't affected because he hadn't been in the dimension long enough, plus he was fun-loving enough that the dimension didn't need to change him. Since Bosip was more of a chill guy, he changed in the dimension. The personality change was temporary, since he became more like himself when he left that dimension. As for how he looked, well, let's just hope that Amor can fix it somehow.

927 words.

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