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(Off-topic screenshot because I'm proud of that moment.)

Bosip's head hurt like crazy.

He was finally kissing Bob, after years of waiting, years of worrying about everything that could go wrong. Normally, this would be a dream come true, but the closet dimension affected him more than he thought. His head was splitting, he was swinging back and forth, and if he didn't jump in with a solution, he would be stuck in this torture forever. The only thing that would make this situation worse would be if Bob wasn't by his side. He was too afraid to let go of Bob, because the pain would be infinitely worse.

Meanwhile, Bob noticed that Bosip's eyes were blinding him. They were so bright, he was having random (and meaningless) hallucinations. Bob pulled away from the kiss to cover his eyes. Bosip's head stopped hurting and his eyes dimmed.

"That went worse than I thought." Bosip said.

"Let's have breakfast. I'm starving!" Bob said. Bosip agreed and they headed downstairs.

The gang was already done breakfast and were busy doing random other stuff. Bob reached for his breakfast. Bosip did as well, but his hand was so twitchy, he got the food everywhere and broke the dish.

"Did you get any sleep last night, Bosip?" Bofo asked. Bosip shook his head.

You really should, it looks like you need it. Boder signed. Bosip nodded and headed up to Bob's room.

Bosip didn't come out for the rest of the day.

At first, Bob wasn't worried at all. He needed sleep and Bob isn't one to ruin it. As it got closer to the end of the day, Bob started to worry more. The only thing he could think about is if Bosip was ok, and he couldn't think of anything else, no matter how hard he tried. When it was time for Bob to go to sleep, he knew he had to check up on him. What he saw was shocking.

Bosip was twitching. His head was twitching at angles that shouldn't even be possible. His eyes were glowing bright with fury. He was biting his lip to prevent a scream. He was also floating, with mustard yellow leaking out of him any way it could. When Bob saw this, he knew what he had to do.

"Please forgive me for this." Bob said, already crying his heart out.

Bob ran to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife there was. He ran back to his room with it, waving it around for whatever reason (never, ever do that yourself).

Amor saw what happened next and puked, partly because of how Bosip looked and partly because of what Bob was doing. Amor didn't feel any remorse, though. There wasn't any reason to. Bosip could respawn, and Bob and Amor already knew that.

When freshly respawned Bosip walked in, Bob threw away the soaked knife and kissed him hard. This time, there was no pain, just the warmth of Bob's body and the bliss of Bob's lips against his own.

And the gags coming from Amor.

510 words.

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