Bonus Section: Our Stories | Part 2 |

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"The Changing Weather"
- Hae

You are in a cute, cosy library, and you sit on a love seat near a window seat. You stare out the window, and you see. You look up at the sky and raindrops drip down. As you start to count the drops on the window, 1...2...3...7, but then it stops. And you look at the sky again, and it isn't raining. It's snowing. As you are so excited, you run out.

~ The End ~

"Butterflies and night skies"
- Hae

I grab your hand and guide you to the kitchen. I rush u in a speedy hurry to the window. "Look, look, open your eyes, come on, stop looking at me and look out the window." "Fine, what could possibly be so interesting in the window, that you had to stop me from sewing a Jumper." "Just look it's, not that hard." U look in the window - finally- and see a beautiful blue and orange butterfly, spiderling around with lavender and red-coloured butterfly, they land on a special primed sun flower as they dance on the petals. I face u and bring my nose to urs, as we look deep into each other's eyes. And peck u on the cheek. U run outside to get a closer look. I follow quickly behind, in need of the satisfaction that it wasn't a dream. I losen the restraint on my eyes so everythings more soft on the eye. As my eyes became to focus again I could see clearly that it wasn't a dream and that u where already a king ur claim on the orange one. You start running around trying to catch them, as the beauty of them is blinding u don't seem to catch one, I admire your triumph of trying to catch one, but as I'm about to speak, the other butterfly (the red sapphire one) lands on my hand as I feel every fibre of the hairs of the butterflies legs. U look at me with annoyance that u couldn't catch one and yet the other one just landed on me. I laugh at the irony. The butterfly leaves my smooth resting hand, the butterfly returns to the orange one and is off on its way. "Come on, animal queen, we gotta make that gingerbread u promised me," u say with agony at the sight of my adorable smile. "eeee I completely forgot about that."U grab me by the hips guiding me inside the cosy grotto. As the sound of the whistling, chirping birds fade away, I grab my apron of the hook and u do the same. U grab the ingredients and I grab the scales. As u take longer I grab the mixing bowl as well. "MUSIC" u yell accidentally in my ear. "Alexa play autumn summer music." Our pets, Ophelia, pea, love, rush into the kitchen in distress of the noise. I separate the ingredients and start mixing as u go comfort the cuddly animal. After you do that, you go grab the cooking book from our library room. You climb the stairs and glide on the moving ladder to section C, u climb down and come back to the kitchen. U open the book to page 24 and put it on the book stall on the counter. I'm already halfway through the recipe, bc u took too long procrastinating, smelling all the candles and books. "OMGGG it smells so nice" u exclaim as u dip ur finger into the mix and lick up all the delicious flavours. "hey hey, no more silly," U grab the oven mitts and open the oven and slide the tray of batter in the oven. As we wait for 25mins while the cookies bake, I cannonball onto the couch, squishing all the clutter of cushions. U grab the book from the coffee table and light a pumpkin spice candle and I make room for u on the couch. U start reading aloud as I lay my head on ur shoulder. I quickly fall asleep to the mix of ur relaxing voice and the candle. The oven beeps, I gently move my head onto a checkered pattern pillow trying not to wake me up and go sought out the oven. As you let the cookies cool, you scoot back onto the couch and grab the pets as we all cuddle up on the couch, with the warm fireplace warming our biddies from the autumn cold.

~ The end ~

"There is no right time, just time and what you choose to do with it."

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