Bonus chapter - The Easiest

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Sometimes she's not the easiest to love.

She has bad days.

Days where it seems as if she's carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. Days where she wants to be alone, and pushes me away; spending hours curled up under the covers. Days where she's running on so little sleep that she lashes out at everyone and everything.

She gets anxious.

She silently buries herself in my arms till her pounding heart calms down. Her voice and body tremble with each shaky breath and she seems to need an endless supply of tissues. She bites her nails and chews on her lip - anything to keep her distracted from her racing thoughts.

She gets insecure.

Her mind gets filled with nothing but doubt. Doubting her skills, knowledge, and worth. She'll need reassurance that she's just as capable as she's always been. Reassurance that I care about her. Reassurance that everything will be ok.


"What are you looking at?" Melody glances up at me from her desk.


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