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"Dae?" Rumi answered glancing at the boys. She somehow survived, thanks to Gwok Hyun-ki who called her at the right time. For first time Gwok Hyun-ki had the right timing.

"He confessed." Hyun spoke.

"Confessed? Who?" Rumi furrowed her eyebrows. There was sound of sucking in breath. Hyun was annoyed and exhausted. He had spent his night looking after a kid who would piss at every question he was asked. No sleep, food or rest. He just wanted to drop down at this point.

"The kid we caught last night." Rumi made a oh sound. "He says he used to run a fan site before but stop when he was approached by a company of sort who pays him for following and recording idols-"

"Stalking." Rumi corrected him. "Did you get information on that so called company?"

"That's the thing." Hyun let out an exhausted sigh. "He received a mail from them, asking if he was interested then sent him a link to some sort of software."


"Yes, software. Basically, there was everything they needed to know to follow idols around. Schedules, passes to private places, everything. Things that media would have a field day if they had their hands to it. All he needed to do was follow the artists and record them. And they were paid quite a good amount of sum for each upload." He explained.

"What sort of deed are these guys are doing? The software? Can we get an excess to it?" Rumi asked knitting her eyebrows together. A loud sighed was heard from Hyun's side.

"I went back to his place for it. When he signed in it automatically shut down."

"Shut down? That brat must have done something to it!" Rumi shouted in frustration earning attention from passers-by. Rumi was the worst person at being patient.

"No, he didn't. The application shut down by itself and now we cannot accessed to it."

"How is that possible? What sort sorcerous application was that?"

"A highly secured one. I think it worked on face recognition, hence shut down with detecting an unknown face." He explained.

"I don't understand this tech-shit." Rumi curse scratching her forehead. "That kid, where is he? Bring him in, I'll get everything out of him, about the software and that so called company."

"CAN YOU-!" Hyun almost lost it. "Can you just not think with your fist?" Hyun sighed calming himself thinking why was he paired with her. All she ever did was punch this and that. "He is a kid, first of all. Secondly, he is not lying from whatever he said since it is crosschecked. Now, all that is left is the software. I'll take this to tech team and see what they can do."

"Bring that kid with you." Rumi instructed. Hyun opened his mouth in disagreement. "Keep him in the custody for the time being and then we can hand him over to authorities." She said making him nod in agreement. "You have to take care of it for the time being since I'm in kind of things. I'll be back by the evening though."

"Evening? Why the fuck it's me with all the dirty work?! And what kind of things? Don't tell me you beat up someone?!" Hyun screamed her ear off.

"Fuck off! What do you think I am, a gangster or what? Beat up someone!" She laughed angrily. "And I didn't asked to be stuck in this shithole too yet here am I! A promotion that's all I wanted!" Rumi cried glancing at the grave she had digged earlier. "But I am stuck looking after kids. Why is that only two us looking after this football team?"

"Kids? Rumi don't underestimate this case." A whatever was thrown at him. "Because you threw a fit! And first time I agree with you. Why wouldn't they pair me with someone efficient than you?"

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