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Item #: SCP-Sinner

Object Class: Euclid to Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-Sinner must be contained in a steal six by six foot cell with unbreakable glass used to monitor the specimen. The SCP must be monitored; cameras and D-Ranked guards keep watch over the SCP-Sinner's cell at all times and must be get out of sight. If the specimen spontaneously gets out of its containment, it must be caught within two [2] hours of its escape; if it is out of its cell for more than two [2] hours, the object spoken of will not be able to understand the words of the doctors and will not be able to be placed back into its cell. A new cell just like the previous one must be made and/or freed up to contain SCP-Sinner.

SCP-Sinner must also have a computerized object in the room; it has been spotted several times being rather intelligent, playing on the computer and doing what normal humans would do in the case of a computerized object was in front of them.

Description: SCP-Sinner is an almost exact copy of SCP-049, also known as the Plague Doctor; this SCP has a human-like figure and walks like a normal human would. However, unlike SCP-049, this creation is capable of speech. The speech of this creature seems to be of female origin. This SCP is also looks to be about five foot eight in height which could be normal for humanoid SCP's; but for a female it isn't common.

Not too much is known about SCP-Sinner; the creation is rather mysterious in context to the other humanoid creature SCP-049.

Addendum A-1: SCP-Sinner was taken to a contained pod where the subject would see if they are capable of speech. A recording of the incident has been taken and was listened too multiple times. A full conversation was taken of this account.


Doctor: I am here with Doctor [CENSORED], we are preforming an act of speech to see if SCP-Sinner is able to communicate with us. SCP-Sinner, can you hear us?

[The creature looks up to the speaker as it simply nods in response.]

Doctor: Can you speak?

SCP-Sinner: Are you implying that I cannot understand your language? Because that is not the case here, Doctor.

Doctor: I see.. What is your name, then?

SCP-Sinner: A name is not mandatory to speak to someone. If I may ask, what is your name, Doctor?

Doctor: Doctor [CENSORED].

SCP-Sinner: Ah. Doctor [CENSORED]. Such a professional and exquisite name you have.

Doctor: Anyway. We're here so we can ask you some questions.

SCP-Sinner: I'm ready for your mandatory questions.

Doctor: ...Right. Do you remember how you got captured?

SCP-Sinner: Ah.I believe I remember as if it just happened yesterday. But I will not speak of the acts that happened for your vocal record; it's not necessary for you to hear it once more since you must have the information in your written records, now don't you?

Doctor: We do; however it would've been better to hear it from you but it's perfectly fine. Secondly, do you know of the other Humanoid SCP known as SCP-049?

SCP-Sinner: Aah.. Him.. Of course I do. We previously had a conversation that was forced by you guys but yes, I know of him. He is a Plague Doctor, no?

Doctor: Yes. He is.

[The tape seems to falter as it soon comes to a close at the end of the Doctor's statement.]








[Second audio book; the tape is SCP-Sinner and SCP-049's forced conversation with each other; the doctors were asking them ququestions as well.]

Doctor: I am Doctor [CENSORED], and we are here for the second time today to produce a forced conversation between our two talking SCPs. SCP-Sinner, and SCP-049. We will ask them questions and both of them will have only one thing to say about the situation and we will go from there. Do you both understand?


SCP-049: Of course, good Doctor.

Doctor: Good. Now. I have around five or so questions for you two. Maybe less depending on what the type of information you give me. Do you two know of each other prier to this conversation?

SCP-Sinner:No. Prier to this I did not know there was a being that was able to speak; I thought I was the only one capable of speech but it seems my thoughts were wrong.

SCP-049: Oh, good Doctor, I did not know someone of high intelgents would be able to speak. As spoken by this object beside me, I also did not know. But... [SCP-049 pauses for a moment, thinking, most likely.] I do not sense the disese in you..

Doctor: Alright.. Uhm.. I'm not really sure what else to ask as of right now, so why don't you two chat with each other. Get to know each other even though you may not be able to see each other again.

SCP-Sinner:Why would I speak to a creature that I may not see again? What is the point of this?

SCP-049: That is true. Why must we speak if we may never see each other, good Doctor?

Doctor: It's good to get to know someone like you?

SCP-Sinner:That maybe true, but you now have put two Euclid and/or borderline Keter spicies in the same sealed cell with each other. How smart of you, Doctor. I guess you did not think this through now did you?

Doctor: You both have been rather coorapative as of now..

SCP-049: Right now we seem to be, but that does not mean that we will at a moments notice. You should know that. Or have you forgotten all the good times we have had with escaping and such? Did your mind forget? Or have you now come down the desies and you are now infected. Are you needing the cure, good Doctor?

Doctor: I have not forgotten..

SCP-Sinner: Aah.. You two have a past it seems.

SCP-049: We do, good Sinner. We have quite the past.

SCP-Sinner:I see.. [SCP-Sinner pauses as well, leaning over towards SCP-049.] You must teach me your secrets, good Doctor..~

SCP-049: We will see, girl. We will see.









[The audio stops there and no other audio is playable.]


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