Adrien Agreste Interview

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(Adrien's POV)

Later that evening, Mom has been recovering well for 2 days. I'm even happy that she's not strict like my father but she does care about my well-being. I promised her I won't steal anymore since I stopped being a criminal but I still like fighting thugs with guns.

The Gabriel brand company thought of changing it to Adrien since I'm the descendant. I didn't mind it but it was a good choice to name the fashion company after me. I'm not a fashion designer but I do know one who dreams of being a fashion designer.

"Your kitties are behaving really well, sweetie. How are you feeling for tomorrow's interview as yourself?" Mom asked as we ate dinner at the dining table. Only this time she sat next to me instead of the end.

"Well a little nervous about telling why I disappeared. But I'll have to keep the image that Cat Noir and I are different." I said.

"Yes, so it's not too obvious." Mom said.

"I'm just worried if those might think that Cat Noir and I are connected. They can't know that Adrien is Cat Noir" I said, playing the piece of steak on a plate.

"That's the tricky part, Adrien." Mom agreed.

"I know. But Adrien is not always flirty. Cat Noir is" I said and took a bite of my steak.

"I know. Well, I hope the interview will go well." Mom said.

"I'm sure it will, dear. We'll also discuss who should be the new fashion designer for the Adrien brand company" Mom said.

"Please! Pigtails can be the new fashion designer. She always dreams of being one" Plagg is greedy with the fifth cheese he ate.

"Marinette is not even an adult yet, Plagg. She needs to go to college for that" I corrected him.

"Okay. That's if she agrees." Plagg said.

"If she can, Plagg. Some dreams change over time as we get older" I said and the butlers brought dessert for us. It was an ice cream sundae and I just ate like an animal due to my wild side, "Not again. I apologize, mom. I'm stuck as a wild man. I don't know how long I can eat right" I said.

"It's alright. It comes." She ignored it.

"Thanks." I wiped my mouth with the napkin.

I remember the second time Ladybug tried to stop me from robbing a grocery store. I was very famished and I had to eat. Plagg was starving too and with him in my ring, his cravings made me crazy as Cat Noir.


The customers see me as a savage wild cat due to my ability to run around like a cat in the store. Plagg and I wouldn't stop complaining about food because of the cravings. His cravings made my cravings wild.

"Get out of the way! Now!" I growled like a cat and went to the seafood aisle, sniffing for fish to eat. None of them are roasted but I have to eat. I grabbed a salmon and savagely ate it to satisfy my cravings.

"I wouldn't do that here, kitty." I heard Ladybug again.

"I need to feed, Ladybug." I threw the eaten fish aside.

"I'm taking you in right now" Ladybug was too selfish to see how much I'm suffering from starvation. Hell, she didn't even see how skinny I am.

"CAN'T YOU SEE I'M STARVING TO DEATH?!" I ran around to find something else to eat and came to the fruit section and grabbed an apple to munch on, one by one. Leaving the apple cores on the floor.

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