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the three champions.

————————————-"The blush on her face when i looked at hertells me so

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"The blush on her face when i looked at her
tells me so."

Trigger warnings: Mention of death.

yes i am posting again. yay!
here's a small refresher.

.... "there was a pleasant feeling or anticipation in the air two days later. Nobody was attentive in lessons, being much more interested in the arrival that evening of the people from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang; even Potions was more bearable than usual, as it was half an hour shorter. When the bell rang early, the trio hurried up to the Gruffindor tower while Rose took her time heading to the Dungeons, deposited of their bags and books as they had been instructed, pulled on their cloaks, and rushed back downstairs into the entrance hall.

the heads of houses were ordering their students into lines.

"weasley, straighten your hat," Professor McGonagall snapped at Ron. "Miss Patil, take that ridiculous thing out of your hair."

They filed down the steps and lined up in front of the castle. It was cold, clear evening; duck was falling and a pale transparent looking moon was already shining over the Forbidden Forest.

"Nearly six," said Ron, checking his watch and then staring down the drive that led to the front gates. "How d'you reckon they're coming? the train?"

"I doubt it," said Hermione.

"how, then? broomsticks?" Harry suggested, looking up at the sky."

"they're really far away you idiot." said Rose. "they aren't gonna come here on broomsticks."

"or they could apparate—" said Ron. "maybe you're allowed to do it under seventeen wherever they're at."

They scanned the darkening grounds excitedly, but nothing was moving. Everything was still, silent, and quiet as usual.

And then Dumbledore called out from the back row where he stood with the other teachers—

"Aha! Unless i am very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!"

They're here."

AS THE GIGANTIC black shape skimmed over the treetops of the Forbidden Forest and the lights shining from the castle windows hit it, they saw a gigantic, powder-blue, horse-drawn carriage, the size of a large house, soaring toward them, pulled through the air by a dozen winged horses, all palominos, and each the size of an elephant.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝗼 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝗼𝐰; Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now