Guarded - Part 20

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Tech had never felt lighter. He wasn't certain if it was because he had finally confessed his feelings to Kestia or relief because she returned them in kind, but either way, the safehouse felt less sterile and hostile just with her presence.

They'd been careful to be considerate around Senna, limiting their intimacy to lingering touches and the occasional unnecessary glance. The Jedi feigned ignorance for the most part, only occasionally making cracks to make Tech blush. Tech was relieved that Kestia didn't seem to be threatened by his friendship with Senna. The two of them were close, but he'd never considered her as anything more than a friend despite her physical comfort around him and the playful jabs that she threw his way frequently. While he found himself wanting to be alone with Kestia, he was relieved that Senna had shown up. He had tried to keep track of her movements after she'd left Ryloth, but she had done a good job of covering her tracks. It had only taken a few months for her to fall completely off of his radar. He'd worried about her, and now that he had someone in his life that he cared for in the same way she had cared for Rex, he understood how difficult her decision had been to walk away. He hoped he would never have to make a similar decision.

"Oi! Tech! You in there?"

He felt the goggles on his face wiggle as he snapped out of his thoughts, glaring at Senna. She had her hand extended across the table they were all seated around for breakfast, tugging gently at his goggles with the Force. She'd been known to snap them when she was truly annoyed with him, but this was only a threat. She stuck her tongue out at him as he pushed his eyewear back up the bridge of his nose, sighing in mock annoyance. "And what can I help you with, Master Aven?"

"I was asking what you have on your agenda for the day while we wait to hear back from the others."

He reached over for his datapad. "I was going to work with Em to check the other exit. Part of the circuitry for that corridor has shorted, and I'd like to get it repaired in case we need an alternate route out of here."

Senna nodded, punching away on her datapad. "News holos don't have anything on the Senate hearing yet."

Kestia raised an eyebrow over the edge of her cup as she took a sip of caf. "You can access those channels down here? I didn't think datapads had that capability."

Senna smirked. "Other datapads don't, but I've modified this one to boost it's signal receivers, so I can get a transmission from just about anywhere on this planet. It's helpful on the Outer Rim worlds where relays are few and far between." She glanced over at Tech mischievously. "Can yours do that?"

He sighed. "There was no reason to modify mine prior to this mission, so no, I do not have the same capabilities."

"Huh." Senna stood, downing the rest of her caf. "I'm going to take a stroll down the main cavern. If you'd like to meet me there when you're done here, m'lady, I'd like to get started with your training. Not to rush, but the sooner I can get you up to speed here, the sooner I can head out to find the other Force users."

Kestia nodded. "I understand. If it helps, we're trying to gather the ones we know of in Fellen with Echo and Iden. You should head there once you leave us."

Senna smiled. "That'd be great. I'd love to see Echo again and meet this mystery brother that you all were chasing last I saw you."

The queen couldn't hide her smirk, and Senna raised an eyebrow at her. "I take it he's made an impression."

Kestia gave a hollow laugh. "He's something."

Tech stiffened slightly next to her. "He's been through a lot," he said quietly. "The Empire wasn't kind to him."

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