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(As the sun was about to set Will prepared to leave once again for Davy Jones Locker, Elizabeth hugged him)

Elizabeth: "I hate that you have to do this."

Will: "It's worth it knowing you and our son are happy. And Elizabeth don't worry about us. I understand your feelings have changed and if it's what you want I can put aside my feelings for you and consider our marriage null and void."

Elizabeth: "Will..I can't apologize enough for.."

Will: "Enough of that, Elizabeth. Your happiness was always the most important thing to me and seeing as I only get to see you for one day every decade you may as well enjoy the company of another man. Even if he is a silly pirate."

(They shared a slight grin)

Elizabeth: "I'm glad you got to meet Henry. I've told him everything about you."

Will: "I know. He's a wonderful young lad...well I best be off."

Elizabeth: "Will!"

(He turned back)

Elizabeth: "Jack will keep his promise. We will free you from the curse."

(Will simply nodded and left for the Dutchman, the green flash signaling their departure)

(Elizabeth began crying when Jack came up to her and comforted her)

Jack: "We'll save him, Lizzie. Together."

Elizabeth: "I know we will. But what about Henry? We can't leave him on his own."

Jack: "Not to worry. I have a plan."

(Minutes later..)

Gibbs: "Ya can't be serious!"

Jack: "As difficult a concept to comprehend as this may be Master Gibbs..I am serious."

Gibbs: "You expect me to baby sit young Henry while you and Miss Swa..Turner. Lord I can never remember which of those she prefers."

(Elizabeth peeked over Jack's shoulder to speak to Gibbs)

Elizabeth: "Swann is fine, Mister Gibbs."

Gibbs: "Aye. While you two are off on a thrilling adventure I'm to stay and look after this wee lad?"

Jack: "Is that a problem, Gibbs? I let you mess around with me Pearl for weeks at a time. I've granted you many favors over the years. Can't you be a good lad and do this one for me? It's important to not only me self and Lizzie but also to the boy's poor daddy Turner senior. You wouldn't want to keep a boy from having a real relationship with his father now would you?"

Gibbs: "...All right but you better buy me a massive tub of rum when you return."

Jack: "Done! Thanks mate."

(Elizabeth hugged Henry)

Elizabeth: "Mommy's going away for a while okay? While I'm gone I want you to be on your best behavior for Mister Gibbs all right?"

Henry: "Yes, mother. But where are you going?"

Elizabeth: "Your uncle Jack and I are going to find a way to rescue your father. Once we do, you'll be able to see him all the time."

Henry: "Yes! What are you waiting for, Mommy? Go save dad!"

(Elizabeth smiled and kissed him on the forehead before boarding the Black Pearl which Jack was preparing to cast off)

(Gibbs and Henry waved as the Black Pearl sailed into the horizon, beginning the journey to free Will Turner)

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