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Winter was hard. The weather didn't take kindly to the survivors and the loss of the farm was not easy. They lost Andrea and Patricia that night, and Lori's pregnancy progressed through the passing months.

The group luck was dwindling and when they were on their last leg, they found hope, hope came in the form of the prison Rick and daryl found while hunting.

Paola was sick of running now, she was sick of not being able to stay in one place, she wanted a home, and maybe this prison could be it after the farm.

With Glenn's cap on her head, which he had permanently given to her now, she follows the group down to the gates, her switchblade in hand as she and Maggie took down a walker. Kicking the corpse's knee, it was stunned enough for Maggie to be able to plung a blade into its head. Quickly, the woman helped her through the gates as Glenn patched it up once everyone was in.

Then they ran down the walk way as walkers piled up against either side of the fence, following Daryl to the front yard, Rick stops in front of it, "it's perfect. If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walks and we can take this field by tonight.

"So how do we shut the gate?" Hershel asks, his hair and beard were long over grown now and he looked more like a survivor than a doctor now.

"I'll do it. You guys cover me." Glenn says, he holds his weapons up to prepare.

"I'll go with you." Paola volunteers, flipping open her switchblade and reaches around to her back where she had stashed her pistol.

Maggie shakes her head, "no, neither of you are going, that's a suicide run."

"I'm the fastest."

"No, you, Maggie, Beth and Paola draw as many as you can over there. Pop 'em through the fence." Rick instructs, pointing to their area before giving the rest of the group orders.

Jogging to her position, Paola and her group began rattling at the bars and shouting at the walkers, hoping to draw their attention away from Rick as he ran to close the gate. Paola stuck her knife in as many as she could.

Switching to their guns, the group lit up the field, taking out the remaining walkers to take the area for themselves. As the undead drop to the fall, the group move in, taking any stragglers that were left and began focusing on setting up a small camp.


Crickets chipped throughout the night. It was calm, peaceful and they'd managed to get a fire going as darkness over too them. Paola felt too sick to eat whatever Daryl had caught this time, the constant reminders of walkers being close by stole her appetite.

Her head was between her knees, the fire provided warmth for her as her usual tank top, jeans and an open button down did little to fight the biting close. Sat between Glenn and Maggie she felt a little safer. Over the winter, the trio's relationship had become stronger, as Glenn and Maggie stayed a couple, Paola felt as though they were as close to parents as she could ever get again, and she was glad that it was them.

"Mmh, just like mom used to make." Glenn says sarcastically, picking at the bone in his mouth before chucking it to the distance.

"Tomorrow, we'll pull the bodies together. Keep them away from the water." T-Dog says, he sat on the opposite side of the fire to Paola and his face looked at though it was engulfed in flames. "Now if we can dig canals under the fence, we'll have plenty of fresh water."

Hershel nods, "and the soil is good, we could plant some seed, grow some tomatoes, cucumbers, soybeans." He lifts up from where he leant forward on his knees and looked over to Rick, "that's his third time around."

Paola followed his pointed finger and frowned at her leader, he'd changed since the farm, more alert, but she couldn't help but feel sorry for Lori and Carl. Leaning back in Glenn and Maggie, the couple already wrapped together behind her, they welcomed her with open arms, and she was glad that neither of them had become like Rick too.

"If there were any part of it comprised, he'd found it by now." Hershel continues.

The group hushes, aside from Beth speaking to Lori quietly. It was heavy, as though it was suffocating them, but in some way, they opened it. It wasn't unusual for everyone to be quiet, but with a new found sense of hope for a new home, it felt right.

"Bethy, sing paddy rielly for me." Hershel requests, his arms wrapped around his knees, "I haven't heard that one i think, since your mother was alive."

Maggie shakes her head, her hand was running circles in Paola's shoulder, the young girl too comfort in her gentle touches, "daddy, not that one, please." She almost begs.

"How about the parting glass?" He then suggests, nodding over his daughters.

"No one wants to hear." Beth shakes her head, avoiding the gazes of the group.

"Why not?" Glenn asks, his arm rests on the grass behind Maggie and paola, looking over them to the blonde teen.

Beth thinks a moment before agreeing, clearing her throat to sing. Her voice was high and sweet, and it had been a long time since any of the group had heard any real music. It was nice, the sense of normality. Paola's eyes felt heavy, pulling her cap to shield her eyes from the burning fire, she slowly fell asleep as Beth and Maggie finish their duet, the world of sleep taking over her consciousness.

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