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╔═══*.·:·.★ ✦ ★・:・:*═══╗

Sleep eluded Paola. It was like her head was laughing at her, shoving nightmare after nightmare in her face. She rested in a shared tent with Glenn just outside Greene farm and she tossed and turned in the single sleeping bag, rustling fills the tent.

Her mind travels back to outbreak day, the day Glenn saved her and her family and the day that the beginning of the end began.


Alina held her daughter in the back of the car, pizza boxes stacked high beside them. The lakatos were stuffed in the back of strangers care as they chased down the street by what Sui called, sick people, and now they were sitting a traffic snarl on a highway surrounded by people in the same position as themselves.

Sui and Glenn were sitting on the hood of Glenn's car, the former holding his shotgun close.

"Mama." Paola whispers, her head laying against Alina's chest as she fiddles with the wedding rings on her mothers fingers.

She hums, petting Paola's dark hair, "what's up, little one?"

"When can we go home?" Her voice was small and Alina worried that if anyone else was in the car, she wouldn't have caught it.

The mothers heart broke. She knew Paola missed home already, she missed her friends, her toys, her comics, but the truth was Alina didn't know the answer.

"Soon, baby." She lied, pursing her lips she felt worse when Paola rolled against her. It was like the little girl needed her mother to tell her it was alright, but this early on, nobody knew a thing.

"Can I go to papa?" Paola asks, lifting her head up and staring at the back of Sui and Glenn's head, the men were sitting in awkward silence up front.

Alina sighs, she didn't really want Paola to leave the safety of the car, but she knew Sui would most likely point his shotgun at anything that threatened them. Unbuckling their seat belts, she helps Paola out the car. The girls shoes slapped against the cement as she escapes her mothers hand and runs towards her father.

"Papa!" She grins, making grabby hands to ask to be placed on the hood in between himself and Glenn.

Sui's expression changed from solemn to affectionate as he scooped his daughter up in his arms, "hello there, honey. Where's your mama?" He asks, Paola nestles into his side, taking in his warmth, a contrast to the chilly car.

"She's coming." The girl explains. Paola looks to her right and sees their saviour chewing the inside of his mouth, she pats his arm and waves at him. Glenn's lips pressed into a thin line as he smiled at her. Shuffling away from Sui while he conversed with Alina, Paola sat closer to Glenn, "hi, my name's Paola Lakatos, what's yours?"

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