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Izuku had gotten up and quickly checked on his mother, he then went to make some himself breakfast and his mother soup. Izuku got the medicine and brought it along with him to his mother's room. Izuku only needed to close the door to wake her up, so he greeted her and got her to take her medicine and eat some soup. It seemed she hadn't puked, so he didn't need to change bowls. It also seemed that Inko's forehead was still hot, but was better than before.

Izuku finished taking care of Inko, and went to his room, taking his breakfast with him. Izuku turned on the computer, changing to Bit. He ate the food while he checked up on things. He had gotten a single email. Bit opened it up to see it was from Nezu himself. It explained he didn't use the school email, and that he was quite interested in the photo 'Bit' showed him. He also said he understood the importance of the photo, and was curious of what else he could accomplish. He then asked if Izuku was willing to give information on smaller things, like smaller villains or other organizations. There were other things, like how Nezu congratulated him, and how he wanted to play chess with Bit sometime. Bit let out a small laugh at that, and thought of what to email back to the smart principle. Bit started typing back the the principle, re-reading what he wrote again and again before continuing. He wanted to come off as mysterious, but understanding. He didn't want the principle to get anything out of what he said. As, even though Bit was very smart, there was no guarantee he was smarter than the principle. And he had sneak attacked the principle last time, hacking into the building might be harder next time if the principle interfered.

Just as Bit was finishing up the email, he heard his mother weakly call out to him. Bit immediately got up and left his computer, racing to Inko.

Izuku got in the room to see his mother having a bad dream, and weakly thrashing about. Izuku quickly went to her to calm her down. Eventually she opened her eyes and calmed down when she saw him. "You ok mom? Need something? Anything?" Izuku asked her, speaking in a hushed voice and kneeling next to her. Inko was quiet for a while, but her mouth moved at if she was trying to make a W sound. "W-w... oh! You want some water? Here." Izuku said, helping her drink it. When she did, Izuku asked if she wanted something to eat, to which she nodded slightly. Izuku went and got her more soup. When he came back, he fed it to her. When she was done, she smiled at him, looking strained as she did so. Izuku smiled back, putting his mother to bed before saying goodnight and leaving the room.

Izuku then went back to his computer, remembering what he was doing, and read over his email again to refresh himself.

Bit finished the email, and sent it to Nezu, excited to possibly get his first payment. Bit then left his computer, turning to go to work on his costume. Izuku's costume for Bit was made to also look like normal clothes so he could blend in when needed, while also helping him sneak around at night. It was a dark green hoodie with a hood that had floppy rabbit ears attached to it. Izuku also had black pants with dark green stripes down either side, they were very stretchy and allowed great movement. Izuku also had a mask that had white teeth on it, It was actually made so they couldn't tell his head type, so it was slightly bulky. It had a voice changer and Izuku could take it off to seem like a scarf or something. (He was working on that part.) Izuku also had black tinted goggles that hid the rest of his face. Izuku had to tweak the mask and goggles multiple times to both, cover his face completely, and be comfortable. Eventually Izuku got it right, of course. The goggles could be hung around his neck and be hidden behind his mask. Izuku was quite glad with his work, and looked at it with pride.

Izuku put it up neatly in his room and played a few games on his computer. He played for a bit until an alarm on his phone went off, signaling he should probably eat lunch. Izuku sighed and got up, going to the kitchen and eating cup-o-noodles. He then checked on his mom, seeing her asleep he decided to leave her alone for now. He grabbed some crackers and put them next to her for her to nibble on if she felt like it. He then went about the house, busying himself with cleaning. Eventually he went back to his room, and tidied things up there. He checked his computer to see an email from Nezu, and they continued to converse like that. Basically, Nezu wanted information on a few underground thugs that were giving some heroes some trouble. He was givin multiple places they were sighted, as well as some information on the thugs in question. When asked for a price by Nezu, Izuku only replied with, "We'll see." And then Izuku turned off the computer, deciding to watch videos on his phone instead.

At some point he had fallen asleep and he awoke to the sound of his alarm. It showed it was now dinner time. Izuku groaned, but eventually he did get up. He checked on his mother, who was awake and just staring at the crackers, as if considering but not having the willpower to actually move.

"Hi mom." Izuku said, making his presence known. "I'm going to make dinner right now. Brb, k?" Izuku said, not still staring at her. It seemed to take her quite awhile to even understand what he said, but eventually she just smiled at him and nodded. Izuku went and made some more soup and brought it to her. "Tomorrow you'll be taking a bath or shower, whichever you prefer, while I clean the bed. K?" Izuku asked. "Okay." Inko replied. She was better than before, but she didn't sound completely there.

Izuku made food and got her to eat it. He then went and ate some of his own food. Afterwards Izuku went back to his room and watch some more videos while sometimes playing mobile games.

Eventually, Izuku set an alarm for midnight, wanting to get some rest before going out. Izuku went to bed. It took awhile, but eventually Izuku fell asleep, excited to go out and find out more information for his first job.

Ayo, weird ending but I decided to end it here! Next chapter will be his first time out and about, finding information on these 'underground thugs' (very specific, I know) and maybe getting his first paycheck! I hope you enjoyed! See ya guys later!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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