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Most of this chapter is pretty chill, and only pick up towards the.end, even so, next chapter will really pick up the pace to Izuku as an info broker, and his need for money, not only for himself (who would hire a quirkless person) but also for his mother.

Izuku woke up and went downstairs to the smell of breakfast. "Good morning mom!" "Good morning Izuku!" Izuku sat at the table and Inko put a plate of pancakes in front of hi., then grabbed a plate for herself. They ate breakfast in silence, and Izuku looked at the time. He swallowed a piece of pancake and spoke, "Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?" In turn Inko looked at the time, and immediately swallowed what she was eating. "Dont worry I'll take care of your plate." Which Inko thanked Izuku for, before rushing to get ready. A second later Inko was bidding her son farewell and leaving for work. Izuku smiled and continued eating his breakfast.

Once he was finished eating, he put the leftovers in the fridge and cleaned the dishes. Afterwards he decided he would work on his gadgets. He went into his room and got out his 'ideas' notebook, it usually had ideas for things he could create, from weapons, hero gadgets, sometimes even ideas for medicine, he would write down all his ideas down in here. He turned to a specific page. It showed a bo staff that, when pressing secret switches on the staff, different things would happen, his ideas were: it could switch out a blade at one of the ends he chose, it would open up and a sleeping gas would come out, and it could shrink down and grow back. It could be used as a catapult that way. Izuku didn't particularly like the idea of fighting, but he still liked tinkering and creating things. Izuku got out a staff and went to work with all the parts he already had, plus the things he got at the beach yesterday.

It was noon until he decided to take a break. Izuku had almost finished the staff, he only need to sharpen the blades, and find a good gas to load it with. He looked at the time and realized that he was going to be late to his martial arts class if he didn't hurry. He shrank the staff down and put it in his backpack, he grabbed his backpack, put it on, and ran out the house. He stopped at a corner store along the way to grab something for lunch and continued to his class.

When he arrived his teacher stared at him and gave him a lecture about being late and how he needs to be responsible. Izuku's mother hired the teacher to do private classes so Izuku could learn self defense and not be judged by multiple people for being quirkless. This teacher was the first one after a long line to agree to teach Izuku.

"Izuku, 100 push ups!" "100?!? Alessia-sensei, that's to much!" "Then don't come late! Keep complaining and I'll make that 200!" Izuku gave up at around 60 push ups. The teacher seemed satisfied that Izuku learned his lesson and continued teaching Izuku how to defend himself. Izuku was mainly learning martial arts, however when Alessia saw his staff she promised when Izuku was done with learning martial arts, she would teach him how to use weapons properly. Izuku was quite happy at this a quickly agreed. The day went on, and by the end Izuku was sweaty, tired, and sore. Izuku got ready to leave and thanked Alessia for the day. "Oh Izuku, here's my phone number, text me if you need anything, got it?" Alessia said. Izuku and Alessia shared phone numbers. "Thank you Alessia-sensei!" Izuku replied happily. Izuku walked home while drinking a bottle of water that he bought earlier with lunch.

When Izuku got home he opened the door and announced his presence, even though he knew his mother wouldn't be home yet. He put everything away, and decided he would make dinner for his mother. He got everything set before starting. He was so wrapped up that he didn't notice the time. He never strayed from the kitchen, afraid that something might burn if he did. He finished cooking spagetti, and even got out some garlic bread. (Idk Japanese food, but how can you go wrong with garlic bread?) When he finished he heard the door opened and the sound of his mother announcing herself. He yelled a greeting to his mother, which in turn caused her to head over to the kitchen. "Hello mother, how was your day?" Izuku then turned to look at Inko (his mother) and noticed immediately that something was wrong. She had huge bags and seemed slightly out of it.

Izuku faced Inko and asked her, "what's wrong mom?". In turn she broke out crying, and hugged Izuku. Izuku hugged back and sat her down at the table. "Dinner is done, I'll get you some food, okay?" Izuku said, his hand on her shoulder. He didn't know what was wrong, but he knew she must've been starving, so he decided to go to work on that first. He left his mother and filled up a plate of spagetti with garlic bread and put it in front of his mother, he then made his own plate and sat opposite next to her. He had a few fork-fulls of spegettj, and took a bit of garlic bread before he noticed that his mother had only taken a single, small bite (it you could call it that) of the spagetti. "Mom... what's wrong? What happened?" Izuky asked, putting down his fork. Inko though for a second, then took a few moments to collect herself, before speaking. "I... got fired today, I didn't come home right away because I didn't want you to worry, but I worried you anyways..." she then sighed. Izuku stayed silent for a second, before saying angrily, "How can they fire you? You've been working down to the bone!  I'm surprised you haven't already passed out from the overtime, and piles of work they throw on you! And with almost no breaks!" He then noticed his mother's tears rolling down her face, "H-Hey, mom, it's okay. You must be tired, you can have some spagetti in the morning, okay?" Izuku said, trying to cheer her up. Inko just nodded. Inko had trouble getting up, but Izuku took this as her being too tired, he helped her get to bed, and to sleep. When she was asleep, he went about putting away the spagetti and garlic bread leftovers. He did take a piece of garlic bread with him to his room though. He sat down in front of his computer and ate his food. Izuku knew his mother was a wreck and was coming down with a fever, she still went to work with a fever anyways because they would let her have even a day off. He ordered some medicine for her fever, finished his garlic bread, and went to sleep.

Like I said up top, next chapter will pick this up, as these lest two chapters haven't really been a lot of action. Hope you enjoyed! See ya next time!

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