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Ellas pov

I'm lost, I ran away and now I don't know where I am. He was there, my Ruel, who isn't even my Ruel I would just like that he was, the only person keeping me sane in this world and he was right there, in front of me, and all I did was run. I had the opportunity to just talk to him, but I left him, and now I don't know how to get back. I find a tree and sit down, I don't know what to do, I can't call my mom, I can't call Christina.

I have to wait until someone finds me, maybe ill be dead by then, then I won't have to live with my mistakes. But that thought doesn't last long as I see my mom's car pulling up next to me. She's gonna take me back there, I have to face him, again.

"Baby what happened, why did you run," she asks like she doesn't know why I ran away

"Mom it was him, it was Ruel, my Ruel, music Ruel" I know he isn't my Ruel but I would like that he was.

"I know sweetheart, but that's not an excuse to run away, come on let's get in the car, and go back"

"No mom, I can't go back, I can't see him again" does she really expect me to be able to go back and see him again

"Sweetheart, get in the car, you can apologize to him when we get back" apologize, what am I supposed to say, hey Ruel sorry I ran away I'm just a big fan and you're the only reason I'm still alive and haven't killed myself? I can't do that

"Mom I can't apologize, what do you want me to say"

"Just say sorry"

"okay mom thanks for the advice"

"Just get in the car idiot" oh fuck I guess I have to see him again.

Ruels pov

Why did she just run off, I can't live with someone who runs away when she sees me, am I really that awful, or is she a big fan and can't look at me without fangirling? I don't know what's worse honestly

Her mom drove after her, hoping to find her and bring her back, but what if I don't want her to come back.

As soon as that thought leaves my head I see her car driving into the driveway, she looks so scared, did I really give that bad of a first impression?

She slowly steps out of the car, but as soon as she sees me stand in the doorway to the house, she goes back into the car, I can hear her talking to her mom, she really don't want to face me again. Finally, she steps out of the car, and she's getting closer to me, but she really doesn't look like she wanna get closer to me, soon she's standing in front of me, she mumbles a quick sorry and goes straight past me into the house, what have I done wrong?

Ellas pov

Sorry, was that really the only thing I could come up with? My stuff is still standing in the living room where I left them before, I ask Christina quickly where my room is, she points to the door down the hallway and I quickly grab my stuff and run to my room.

These are going to be some tough weeks.

I lay in my bed, what do I do now? Do I just lay here, and wait until someone comes into my room, or do I go out and say goodbye to my mom, and hi to the other people? No, I can't do that, he is out there, I don't want him to see me again, he probably hates me, but I love him, not in a weird way of course. I lay in my own thoughts until I hear a knock at my door, it's my mom, she comes in and tells me that she told Ruel and Christina why I ran off, she told Ruel that I love Ruel, god this is so embarrassing, now I for sure can't walk out there again, but my mom says that I need to, fuck I guess imma have to see them again.

Ruels pov

Sorry was really the only thing she could say to me? I guess she's not good at owning up to her mistakes.

Her mom comes into the room, she starts a big monologue and tells me and Christina about the reason why the girl ran off, and I just realized something, I don't even know her name, but then I hear what her mom says, and now I don't give a fuck about her name.

She tells us that Ella, os staying here because of some mental problems and that I as a public person apparently have stopped her from self-harming multiple times. Wow, I did not expect that, now I kind of get why she left, I just don't know if I can live with a girl that's that mentally ill.

But I guess imma have to do my best cus the way her mom is talking it doesn't sound like she's leaving anytime soon. I have to speak to her when her mom leaves I'm going to go to her room and talk to her, we need to live together, I can't ignore her forever, but maybe she can ignore me, I just hope she doesn't want to.

Ellas pov

my mom and I finally say goodbye and she leaves me in my room all alone, again, I see her car rolling out of the driveway, and I sit on my bed thinking about what's going to happen now when I hear a knock at my door.

"Hey, can I come in?" Fuck it's him

"Uhm sure" he opens the door and sits down beside me, I look into my lap, I don't want to look him in the eyes.

"Hello, my name is Ruel what's your name?" He hands out his hand for me to shake, I take his hand and shake it

"I'm Ella"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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