Is this true!?!

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Chapter 6- Is this true!?!

I laughed as I sent Jace a final goodbye text.

I opened the door to see Avery and Lucas roughly play fighting as Mae, Alice, and Dylan just watched.

I was astonished and not in a good way. Where's Hayden, Gwen, and James?

I separated them and told them to stay still. I walked up stairs to look for everyone else.

Gwen was in her room just laying on her bed looking at the ceiling. James was asleep and Hayden was relaxed playing on his iPod.

I walked back downstairs just in time to see Christina walk in. I smiled and greeted her as I handed over the responsibility of the little ones.

I walked back upstairs completely exhausted of today's events.

"Goodnight guys!" I shouted over their screams.

"Nighty, night!"

~ Morning~

I came out of the bathroom relaxed and refreshed. Today I was wearing a light purple shirt with big black glasses on it with dark wash jeans.

I quickly brushed my hair and braided it to the side. I slipped on my grey sweater and my black boots.

Heading downstairs James, Mae, Dylan and Hayden were already downstairs. Mae and Dylan were eating cereals as I was going to do.

Christina and Phil walked into the kitchen in a hurry.

"Good morning guys! I'm heading to work now with Chris so be good!" Phil said as he pulled Christina in by her waist giving her a kiss on the lips.

There was a chorus of 'eww' and 'yuck' as the twin entered. I just scrunched up my nose.

"Hayden can you take the little ones to school, you can use my car?" Hayden shrugged.

"Sure I guess.."

"Good cause your the only one who can actually drive." James and me smiled at Christina innocently.

"Guess me and Ellie are walking together." I smiled, at least James isn't as closed off as he was before.

We headed out as soon as I finished my cereals. We didn't talk much while walking but the silence was comfortable.


After school I didn't see Hayden or James so I began my walk home. Alone.

A few minutes of walking a car stopped to my right. I slowly turned to see Jace. I raised my eyebrow at him in question.

"Hey Ellie, do you need a ride home?" I stopped fully and turned to face him.

"No thanks, I can get car sick easily." Jace chuckled for no reason making me confused. I continued walking anyways.

I didn't see Jace's car afterwords. I guess he quit following me around.

I felt someone cover my eyes and I made a complete stop. I jammed my elbow into the persons side or stomached I believe. Instead I felt a hard wall where my elbow made contact.

I was turned around and was let go. I looked up into beautiful golden eyes and when I got a better view I could see it was Jace. We began walking.

"Are you walking me home out of curiosity of where I live or just to be a gentleman?"

"Just to be your perfect gentleman, of course!" Jace's blush deepened and he looked surprised at how I knew.

I gave him a smug grin, "sure you did!"

We both chuckled and I saw my house in the distance. I could already tell theirs no one home.

Jace walked me to my door like a 'gentleman' in excited happiness.

At the door Jace gave me an unexpected hug. I hugged him back and he let go, still holding on to my shoulders.

I looked into his beautiful golden eyes and felt my heart beat rapidly fast. I looked down to see his full and soft looking lips and could've sworn he was leaning in.

Jace suddenly stopped, let me go and took a step back. We were both blushing profoundly and our embarrassment clearly showing.

He awkwardly said goodbye and walked back. I quickly entered the house to calm my Fast beating heart. I slid down the door.

"Is this true!?! Do I really like Jace Grey!?!?" My eyes widened at this sudden realization. I felt my heart speed up all over again yet it slowed when I thought of something.

"Too bad he doesn't like me." I felt a tear slip out.

I felt someone push on the door. I stood up slowly to see it was James. He looked a little angry but as he saw me his expression softened.

"What's wrong Ellie? Why are you crying?" He said softly as he dropped his stuff. It was then I realized I was now full on crying.

"It's .... noth..[hiccup]" James pulled me into a hug. My crying was muffled into his shirt. I guess he took off his jacket and stuff sometime when I was crying.

James was rubbing my back and hugging me tightly to him. I could hear the steady yet fast beat of his heart.

"Don't worry, calm down." James whispered in my ear softly. I nodded and my crying was slowly coming to a halt.

I looked up to see we were laying on the couch now and James was hugging my waist as I was doing to him as well.

We heard a gasp and we looked over to the door. Gwen was standing there looking at James and glaring at me. If looks could kill I'd be dead and 10 feet underground.

Gwen quickly escaped to her room blushing deeply at the sight. This got me thinking. Where's Hayden and the little ones?

I looked at James and he shrugged and hugged me tighter. I payed back down and felt myself getting lazy. I felt James relax and I automatically sat up.

"I forgot to cook!" I hit my head and started standing up. James reached up pulling on my arm.

"Where do you think your going, Ellie?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I have to cook for every one!"

"But you always do, at least don't one day!"

I know James isn't going to let me go and he's pretty stubborn. I guess I'm going to have to give in.

"Fine!" James gave me a goofy grin. I narrowed my eyes at him. I saw this mischievous glint in his eyes. Oh no, this can't be good.

James abruptly stood up and picked me up as well. He carried me bridal style up the stairs.

"JAMES, what do you think your doing!" I yelled at him kicking the air. James chuckled.

"What does it look like?" He sent me a smirk.

I laughed as I figured I wasn't getting away any time soon. Before I knew it we were in my room. James practically threw me on my bed and ran to his own room.

"I might as well do some homework." I groaned and dragged my bag to my desk. I slammed my door shit and sat down.

"At least I only have science homework."


Short, I know. Ellie is getting close with James now huh?

Don't forget,





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