Mine. 13 NSFW 1/1

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✤✤✤ NSFW ✤✤✤

Jungkook is suddenly exhausted as he watches Hoseok escort Head Beta Kim out. It's only 10 in the morning but he wants nothing more than to just climb into bed and cuddle his omega.

He can't believe he hasn't seen Jimin yet, he was sure he'd be up by now. The prospect of having Jimin in his arms gives him a little energy and heads to his bedroom.

He can smell sweet flowers as he gets closer to his door. This is just what he needed, he thinks to himself as he quietly opens the door.

"Little one?" He gasps.

Jungkook's gulp is the only sound in the room until he speaks

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Jungkook's gulp is the only sound in the room until he speaks.

"Is..is that...my shirt?" He asks, although it's obvious who's shirt he's in.

"Yes..." Jimin looks up at him and Jungkook loves the coy yet shy twinkle in his eyes.

"Do you mind?" Jimin asks in a shy manner and it makes Jungkook chuckle softly. He wouldn't ever mind seeing Jimin in his shirt, much less in only his shirt.

He thinks to himself that his omega is like a diamond, so many facets, and sides, hard angles and smooth planes, yet always so blindingly beautiful.

He rakes his eyes over the omega's body splayed out on his bed. He has to be dreaming, that's the only logical explanation.

"I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth but?" Jungkook asks, still not having moved from his bedroom door. Of course, he had immediately shut and locked the door upon seeing Jimin naked laid out on his bed, but that was the most he could make his body do.

It was astounding really, he was the strongest wolf in the pack, yet this omega had him to where he couldn't even move an inch.

Jimin giggles shyly, finally breaking eye contact as he looks down, fidgeting with the hem of the shirt.

"I've made my decision." His voice was barely above a whisper. It's not that he was unsure of his decision, he was just unsure how to go about it as he's never been intimate with anyone before.

"What decision, little one?" Jungkook asks softly. He's devouring every inch of Jimin's body with his eyes, burning this image to memory. He's not sure how he's keeping his voice so soft when his body is as taut as a drawn bowstring.

Jimin looks back up at him, chewing his bottom lip anxiously. Though, there's no hint of uncertainty in his voice as he says.

"I want to mate you, alpha. My Alpha."

'This is it' Jungkook thinks to himself. 'This is how I die.

"You can come closer you know? I do bite, but you're bound to enjoy it." Jimin giggles as Jungkook's jaw drops.

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