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Jimin let out a whine when he heard the front door slam.

Jungkook was home, and he was pissed.


The omega wanted to go to him, wanted to calm him. He'd do anything to make his alpha happy.

But he couldn't. Not today.

So he stayed put, on the living room couch, waiting for the alpha to find him.

"What the hell did that text mean Jimin?" Jungkook demanded as soon as he found Jimin.

"Well hello to you too," Jimin replied dryly.

"Cut the shit Jimin"

"It meant what it said. You can read can't you?"

Jungkook quirked his eyebrow at the omega's tone.

"What the hell happened today? And where is she?"

"She's in the bath." Jimin lazily flipped through the magazine on his lap.

Jimin's tone, his avoidance, his nonchalant attitude was all pissing Jungkook off even more. He reached down and grabbed the magazine from his lap and tossed it to the floor.

He felt bad for a second when the omega looked up at him in shock. He'd never been aggressive with Jimin but he was exhausted and his wolf was very upset. He needed answers.

"Can you lower your voice? You're going to scare the pups."

"Can you stop avoiding the question?" Jungkook retorted.

Jimin huffed as he stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. He needed to get dinner started.

"I'm not avoiding the question." He threw over his shoulder

"Well, you haven't answered it," Jungkook said from right behind him.

"She's fine now, I handled it," Jimin said with his head in the fridge.

"Can you please just tell me what the fuck happened?"

Jimin could hear the pout in his voice. He had to stay strong. He can't keep giving in.

He kept looking in the fridge well after he found the vegetables he was looking for. Once he knew he could face the alpha, he left the safety of the fridge.

"Are you going to stay calm?" Jimin asked softly.


Jimin rolled his eyes as he started washing the vegetables.

"Well, I explained it in the text. She was at recess playing basketball and a little boy pushed her down. She got a cut on her knee but she's fine now. I handled it." Jimin shrugged as he finished the vegetables and turned to start cutting them up.

"Who was it?"

Jungkook's calm tone was a big red flag. Jimin looked at him skeptically.

"Why does it matter who it was?"


"What are you gonna do? Threaten an eight-year-old?"

"Or his parents."

Jimin sighed heavily, putting his knife down.

"See this is why I didn't tell you until now, and why I really didn't want to tell you at all."

Jungkook crossed his arms as he waited for Jimin to finish.

"You can't just go around threatening anyone you don't like."

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