Is this love

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Jimin woke up surprisingly without much of a headache. He felt a weight around his waist and a warmth along the back of him, opening his eyes he realised he was in Jungkooks room. He was about to slip from the bed when the arm around his waist tightened," don't run off again," a sleepy voice growled.
"Erm, need to pee?"
"Ok. You have 5 minutes or I'll come and get you."
Jimin dashed to the bathroom relieving himself then quickly cleaned his teeth before slipping back into the room, glancing at the bed then the door.
"Don't even think of it come here."
Jimin crawled back into bed immediately being hugged against Jungkooks warmth. It made him feel safe and secure which then made him question himself on why he licked himself away if it was a person not a place that was your safe haven.
"I can almost hear the wheels turning in your head what are you stressing out about now?"
Jimin didn't know if he should tell him the truth but in the end thought he should.
"I was just thinking......., it's not a place that makes me feel secure it's a"
Jungkook didn't know how to answer that, after all he wouldn't be here for long and Jimin was...... what was Jimin he thought, he knew he liked him, a lot, he hadn't like seeing someone else touch him certainly but was that because he was Jimins first he felt so proprietal?
Jimin spoke again," don't worry, I'm not stupid, this isn't me trying to make you commit, I know you won't be here forever and will move on...., I'm just make me feel safe." Jimin reached up to kiss the others lips, which soon turned into a full make out session, each one trying their hardest to pleasure the other both needy," ride me baby," Jungkook groaned, Jimin straddled him placing Kookies wet dick at his hole and easing himself down gasping at the fullness, soon he was rocking up and down until jungkook gripped his hips thrusting up hard and they both came finding that release they had been seeking, Jungkook wiped them both up before cuddling Jimin to him both falling asleep again.
An hour and a half later Jungkook woke stretching out his arm finding an empty space, not again he thought grumpily wanting Jimin there. He suddenly smelt bacon and smiled, pulling some shorts and t shirt on he went down to the kitchen finding Jimin wearing his swim shorts from the other day and an apron swaying and singing to a song, his ass in perfect time to the music.
Jimin jumped as a pair of arms came around him,
"Good morning baby you look delicious "
"Well you can't eat me bacon and eggs will have to do," Jimin said innocently .
"But baby I'd have so much fun eating you out,"
"Hah, you stop trying to embarrass me, sit down while I dish up."
Jungkook laughed sitting down to eat they were chatting merrily when the doorbell rang, Jungkook got up to answer and was crushed by two bodies, "Kookie how are you we thought we would crash with you for a few days".
"Tae?Hobi?", Jimin said.
"Jimin? They both exclaimed." Why are you here?"
Jimin realised from Jungkooks look that he wasn't happy at being found out so trying not to show it hurt he said smiling," Jungkook here has been teaching me to swim so I said I'd cook breakfast."
Tae nodded," god I'm glad your learning you've always been hopeless, I used to think you'd drown it worried me you living by the sea."
"Yer he nearly did in the sea the other day that's why I said I will teach him." Jungkook said frowning at the small boy.
"Your lucky Kook is here then Jimin," Hobi said.
"Yer, look I have to get back to work so I'll go now leave you three to chat ok?" He fake smiled and grabbed his keys wallet and phone he'd brought down earlier then dropping off the apron he rushed out, Jungkook watching but not saying anything.
"He's in a hurry," Hobi said.
"Well he does some painting or something," Jungkook said trying to sound uninterested.
"Hah,'some painting' he's famous, everyone wants him as an illustrator, but he keeps himself to himself, his mum wanted to see him get married but he said it was too soon, shame she never will,ooops!" Tae said in panic realising he'd blurted out something about Jimin.
"I know Tae he told me, I er asked why so many cameras at his place."
"Poor Jimin, he didn't feel safe, especially as that mongrel father of his parents killer said it was Jimins fault that he got shot,that the police could have taken him to prison, not the fact that he was about to fatally stab Jimin so the cops shot him. The father threatened Jimin, that's why he moved, he was cautioned but because he  knew where he lived, objects kept being posted bloody shirts, wreaths, so he moved."
Jungkook was shocked Jimin hadn't told him this.
"So Kook resting up like your supposed to?"Hobi asked.
"Yer," when I'm not fucking Jimins brains out he thought.
"God I fancy a coffee,got any?"
"Better than that I know a good coffee shop come on,"
He drove them to the cafe, walking in they saw a pale faced Jin leaning on the counter,"yes what would you like oh Jungkook, thanks for bringing us home, how's Jimin?"
Jungkook was aware of the other two listening so stayed with the excuse Jimin had given," oh he seems fine had a swimming lesson this morning and cooked bacon and eggs."
"Eugh....excuse me, Joonie take the orders,"Jin dashed off.
Giving their orders they sat at a table outside in the sun." So whose the pale good looking one and the tall one in there and what's Jimin got to do with them?" Tae asked.
"Jin and Namjoon married own the cafe, Jimin and Jin went clubbing last night Namjoon was at mine so we drove to pick them up slightly the worse for wear."
"Jimin went out great!"
"Hey Tae wonder who's the poor sucker who was left with a hard on when Jimin left."
The pair giggled then seeing Jungkooks face explained," our Jimin is a babe magnet when he's drunk, he dances sexy looks sexy and is totally opposite to sober Jimin, he's left many a poor man wanting more but he brushes them off so nicely they just stand there with their tongues hanging out, he doesn't believe us when we tell him, his little virgin ass gets all in a tizz." Tae said.
Not a virgin ass anymore thought Jungkook.
"Probably a good job you got him home before he got too drunk."
"Yer," jungkook muttered, his mind thinking he didn't like the thought that Jimin might go out and get drunk when he wasn't around.
Namjoon brought their orders out," cakes on me enjoy,"
They all dived in murmurs of appreciation being heard. They chatted drinking their coffee then went to a convenience store to stock up on food, seeing Jimin come out of the post office as they loaded the car up.
"Hey guys."
"What ya doing?"
"Just checking for mail and sending the drawings off."
"Want a lift?" Jungkook asked
"Urm ok,"
They all got in the car Tae at the back with Jimin, Hobi in the front.
Jungkook heard the laughter and chatting from the back his gaze going to the rear view mirror where he saw Tae cuddling his Jimin...., wait his Jimin?
Stopping at the house they all got out Tae suggesting he went with Jimin but Jungkook didn't like that idea," er look we have a pool a bbq music why don't we have our own party,Jimin?"
"Come on Jiminee we can all chat I haven't seen you properly in so long," Tae said hugging the life out of Jimin..., Jungkook turned to Hobi wondering why he wasn't jealous, Hobi saw the look and explained," they are soulmates you'll never keep them apart it's just their thing," he said shrugging then telling his husband to put the poor boy down as he couldn't breath.
"Ok I'll come, I'll just get my things and be back ok? He said to Tae but looking at Jungkook.
Jungkook stared back his heart thudding, Jimin turned to leave and he just stopped himself from grabbing him, instead grabbing the shopping and taking it in telling the two boys which room they could use as he packed the food away his mind just on Jimin, why he thought what kept his mind on him why did it bother him now that he hadn't stood up and told the others they were an item, he remembered the sad fake smile Jimin had given when he realised he wasn't going to acknowledge their relationship, why did his chest hurt at the thought of hurting Jimin? Is this love?

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