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Jimin had woken up in a good mood, he'd made a cool drink every now and then for the old man and let him use the fasciities when needed, It was now three o'clock and Jimin invited the man to sit on his swing seat  which was where they were now enjoying an iced lemonade.
"You have done this so quickly ," Jimin said
"Just the sign to attach then I'll be on my way,can I ask why now?"
Jimin looked at him in confusion.
"I mean young man I've lived here for forty years and there's never been a gate on any of these paths,"
"I-it's , people can walk in anytime,"
"And they would go right out once they realised it was the wrong path, you could have put a sign at the bottom saying private property, but I'm guessing seeing these cameras around that there's a reason you want to feel safe?"
Jimin sighed then told the man about his experience ,
"Hmmm, so how long you going to hide away?"
"What....I'm not hiding this is my home now.....I just don't want trespassers."
"You tell yourself that son, but how often do you go and visit your old friends, when did you go shopping in a busy mall or clubbing, all the things a boy your age should be doing," he patted Jimins leg before going to do the last bit of work then when finished, he handed the bill to Jimin," you two decide how you pay ok , my address is on there," then smiling at Jimin he went away driving off in his old truck.
Jimin was lost in thought he didn't hear Jungkook come up.
"Hey," he called.
Jimin looked up quickly stuffing the bill in his pocket when he realised it was Jungkook.
"Hi," he answered.
"He's done a good job hasn't he?"
Jimin looked at the fence and gate for some reason after the old man's words it felt like he was in prison.
"Jimin? What's up?"
"Do you think I'm hiding away?" He asked the other.
"Well it's understandable you wanting a break after what happened but you won't stay here forever will you?"
"Why not this is my home?"
"But it's only temporary surely til your ready to join the real world?"
"Your like him, he said that, what's wrong with here there's clubs in town and shops."he said angrily
"What about your friends?Don't they count?"
" I keep in touch and I have Jin and Namjoon here,"
"Jimin your friends should matter, as for Jin and Namjoon, they will spend three weeks back in Seoul each year, specifically to visit family and friends, will you?"
Jimin stood up angrily," don't lecture me, I don't need anybody, go away I'm fine on my own,"
"Jimin....," Jungkook went to hold the boy but he stormed off inside slamming the door and locking it leaving Jungkook confused by the sudden confrontation , after knocking a few times he gave up going back to his house.
Jimin paced around, he wasn't scared, he just found life easier here, his friends could visit couldn't they, he looked at his phone calling a number," hey Jin what's the best club here?I don't care if it's nothing like the big city clubs, no I haven't gone mad, I just thought maybe I should go out, what you will, won't Namjoon mind? Ok I'll meet you at 7.30 bye." I'll show them Jimin thought going to his closet to find clothes not worn in a while.
It was just before eight and Namjoon knocked on the door of the Jeon house
" hey come in, have you got the file you wanted me to look at?"
They both went inside, jungkook fetching a beer for them, sitting on a sofa he took the file Namjoon gave him and looked through, after half an hour he sat up,
"Well everything is ok according to this you may need to keep a little more money aside for the winter as it won't be so busy but your running ahead on predictions business is doing well, so you should easily be able to close for three weeks, failing that you could maybe get a temp in for three weeks to open up for a few hours a day to keep the money coming in but then you weigh the cost of a temp the running of the cafe, electric etc against the likely income."
"Thanks Jungkook,I just needed someone else with a business head look at it as I don't want to disappoint Jin by not running the business well."
"Your worrying too much, you have a good business your in a very good profit margin, your doing well.....Is that why you didn't want Jin here?"
"Hmmm, No Jin has gone clubbing.....with Jimin,I can't say I like it Jin tends to be, very loving when drunk."
"Jimins gone?"Jungkook asked in shock.
"Hmm, he seemed very uptight when they left, something about showing someone he could have fun, to be honest I'm a little worried."
Jungkook looked at his watch, " it's 9.15 fancy a little visit to a club? They can't be in that much of a state we can be there in half an hour?"
Namjoon nodded, jumping up picking his stuff up and going outside.
"Did you walk?"
"Yer I thought it would be quick across the sand, like the gate by the way."
The two men got in Jungkooks car and drove into the main part of town, luckily the bouncer recognised someone from the Jeon family and let them in, once in they could hear cheers and whooping coming from the dance floor, looking around they couldn't see the other two so made their way to the dance floor and there they were, being clapped and cheered for their dirty dancing moves,
Jin caught sight of Namjoon and staggered over,
"Joonie my love I've found a dance soulmate isn't he cute(hic)"
"Yes dear, why don't you let me sit you down for a bit eh stop the room going round."
"Joonie, you'd do that for me, it's spinning so fast."
Namjoon tapped Jungkook to indicate they were going to sit at a nearby table, jungkook nodded then stared back at the figure on the dance floor .Jimin was dressed in black ripped jeans with a black shirt with thin silver stripes in it his hair was styled and he'd emphasised his eyes with a little makeup, he looked like a sexy little devil, dancing in his own world thrusting his hips to the music his thick pouty lips an invitation on their own.
A man tried grabbing his hips making Jimin stagger and look up straight into Jungkooks eyes. He pushed the man away and made his way over to Jungkook, hooking his arms around the tall males neck,"Kookie dance with me,"
"Jimin your drunk."
"So,if you won't they will...." He went to pull away but Jungkook held onto his hips dancing slowly to the music and staring into the small boys eyes,
"See Kookie I'm not scared...,I told you, I'll show you all I can do this ," his head slumped against Jungkooks chest, tears falling," yes baby you did it I'm proud of you, now let's go home eh?"
Jimin nodded allowing himself to be picked up and carried out to the car, Namjoon following with a sleepy Jin.
Settling the pair into the seats and clipping them in Namjoon asked," is he ok?"
"Yer he just needed to get something off his chest."
They drove away Jungkook stopping to drop the two off at their cafe where they lived above it then he drove on home Jimin sound asleep.
Stopping at his house he didn't think twice about taking Jimin in not wanting him to be left alone , once in the bedroom Jimin woke making a mad dash for the bathroom and relieving himself off the alcohol he had drunk Jungkook patting his back as he wretched, jungkook cleaned up then found a new toothbrush for Jimin to clean his teeth, popping downstairs he came back up with water and some tablets to find Jimin stripping his clothes off in the bathroom," sorry can't stand the alcohol smell he muttered wearily".
"Take this and wait up I don't want you falling."
Jimin took the tablets and didn't say a word as jungkook stripped off putting the shower on and stood under it with Jimin carefully washing the boy who leaned on him so tiredly. Turning off the water he carried Jimin out to the bedroom drying him, "do you sleep in anything Jimin?"
Jimin shook his head so Jungkook put him in the bed covering him up and watching as he curled into a ball falling asleep immediately. Jungkook picked up their clothes taking out Jimins phone and wallet which dropped to the floor and opened, picking it up he saw a picture of Jimin and two people obviously his parents smiling at the camera. He glanced at the small boy feeling sorrow for him then putting the things aside he dropped the washing into the laundry room ready to do tomorrow .
Going back into his room he slipped under the covers , Jimin suddenly turning getting close and cuddling him, Jungkook smiled he liked cuddles .He pecked the small boy on the head before closing his eyes and keeping his arms around this small boy who seemed to be becoming more important in his life.

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