Meet the Shop Keeper

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This is a story about you.

Now, not every story is about you, but then not everything in life is ever about any of us. However, in this story you will find a piece of yourself, and that is the piece you need to hold onto as the tale unfolds.

Your story starts on a regular day, at a regular hour in a regular shopping district. There, in that regular shopping district is a store that you have always noticed but have never enter. You know what I mean. In every mall, plaza, street is that one store that catches your eye, but you never seem to want to inspect. It may not even catch your eye every time you pass it, but it does exist, and it has been waiting for you enter. Something Found, that is the name of this irregular place where your story will begin.


It was an odd name for a store, and you had almost walked pass it to meet up with your friends at the food court. Something Found was not a new store, it just existed in that awkward place where hardly anyone would notice it's door, or front window. What it sold was something of a conversation started among friends, like the weather, or things read on social media. The display widow of the store was always bare expect for a long black curtain that look faded with age.

"I bet it's a porn shop," one of your friends said with a giddy giggle as you and the others gasp with shock and giggles of your own. "I mean, it has the sleazy look of a porn shop with those black curtains. They must be hiding something nasty."

You would have agreed, but the name of the shop didn't fit. Plus, there was no way a porn shop would be placed in a regular shopping area where families would have to walk by its front doors.

"It has to be a pawn shop. They all have that dingy look!" Another friend had claimed.

"With that name, it has to be a junk shop!"

Whatever the store was, you and your friends were convince that there was nothing any of you could want from a place called, Something Found. Today, however, you were tired of the same old thing day, after tedious day. You happened to be alone when the store's front door caught your eye, and that was when a tiny voice whispered an insane idea.

"Why not go inside and see for yourself what this store sold?"

There was still plenty of time left before you had to meet with your friends. If it turned out to be a porn or a pawn shop, you could share it with your friends as laugh, but if it ends up being something like a vintage furniture store or an old art gallery you could just keep it to yourself to keep the guessing game going. Why ruin a great mystery over a bunch of moldy furniture and bad art? You checked your phone one last time then looked over your shoulder to see if anyone else was watching before taking quicksteps towards the door. A bell chimed as you pushed open the door sending a wave of embarrass heat to the back of your neck. You were hoping to take a quick peak inside without altering anyone in the store and causing them to leap out at you with that plastic store greeting, "Hi! I can help you with something today?"

The door closed behind you with one last chime, but no zealous worker came rushing out you. You let out a small sigh is your eyes glanced around the small space. The light was a dim yellow on the black painted wall and floor. You counted three rows of tall wooden shelves as you moved further into the space towards the middle of the room where two plush sofa chairs stood on a red rug with a small oval table between them. You circled around the room to look at the other shelves, yet you still couldn't guess what this store sold because there was nothing on dark brown wood but dust. You folded your arms to sooth the unease this place gave you as you walked looking for anything other than cobwebs or more dust. The wall of shelves circled the room and just as you were about to give-up and head for the exits something caught your eye. A lone black leather book.

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